Encounters of Fate

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Riddhima's mother's voice reverberated from the kitchen, alerting her to the visitor at the door.

As she made her way to the entrance, curiosity and anticipation intertwined within her. Upon opening the door, a radiant smile greeted her in the form of Veer standing before her.

"Hey sweetheart," he uttered warmly, his eyes reflecting genuine affection.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Riddhima embraced him tightly, the warmth of his presence reassuring her. As they lingered in the embrace, Veer gently withdrew, his hands tenderly cradling her cheeks, his concern evident in his gaze. "Are you alright?"

he inquired softly, his voice laced with genuine care.

"Yes, I'm better now," she affirmed, her voice carrying a sense of relief. "Good girl,"

he murmured affectionately, his fingers caressing her head in a gesture of reassurance and affection.

As Riddhima's mother stepped into the cozy living room, she inquired, "Who is this Riddhima?"

"Veer! It's been ages since we last met,"

she exclaimed, enveloping him in a warm embrace.

"Do you only speak to Riddhima? Have you forgotten about your dear aunt?"

she continued, her expression tinged with sadness.

"Of course not, Auntie. I've come to see you. Who would want to see her?"

he responded, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Riddhima playfully smacked his back and interjected, "Stop it."

"Why are we lingering at the doorway? Come in, dear,"

her mother urged warmly.

As he moved to settle onto the plush couch, Riddhima intercepted him.

"Don't sit just yet. Freshen up first. We'll have lunch together,"

she insisted with a warm smile.

"It was rude ,"

he teased lightly, making his way toward the guest room.

As he ascended the staircase, he unexpectedly collided with a young woman.


she exclaimed, gently massaging her forehead where they had bumped.



As I made my way towards the guest room, I inadvertently collided with a young woman. She paused, her hand reaching to her forehead, where a smudge of face wash mingled with her long, cascading hair.

When she lifted her face, our eyes met, and I found myself momentarily captivated.

I was struck by her breathtaking beauty; she wore a vibrant red kurti paired with jeans, and her waist-length hair framed her face in an elegant cascade.

Mesmerized by her simplicity and grace, I couldn't tear my gaze away from her captivating eyes. In that moment, the notion of claiming her as mine began to form in my mind.

Despite my past penchant for fleeting interests, I couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter might lead to something deeper and more meaningful.

I never got into a serious relationship with anyone because I enjoyed being single

Girls always want me to fuck them and I gladly fulfill their wishes

My routine is like this, working in the office from Monday to Friday and fucking girls in the club on Saturday and Sunday

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