1341: New Opportunities Arise Amidst Adversity

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On the second day after Nu Yue successfully infiltrated the cruise ship, Wan Qingge also selected a hospital he planned to target.

The hospital he chose was the largest in the city, gathering top medical resources from the surrounding areas. As a result, it attracted countless patients from nearby towns and villages seeking medical treatment. Regardless of day or night, the hospital was always crowded with people lining up for registration: shoulders bumping into shoulders, toes stepping on heels, the heat of the crowd pressing in, and the sound of coughing echoing back and forth. Here, nobody could expect to maintain their dignity.

The posthumans were unaware of how long this country had been quietly monitoring them. It could be imagined that their appearances and gaits had long been included in surveillance databases, making them targets wherever they went. Along with a few others, Wan Qingge had learned Lin Sanjiu's techniques for changing gaits. Now, with hundreds of people providing cover for him, he blended into the crowd like a drop of water merging into the ocean.

However, as a posthuman, enduring the jostling and collisions without pushing people away was even more exhausting than changing gaits.

Wan Qingge wore a mask and quietly walked through the crowd, heading straight for the third-floor internal medicine department. It was eight o'clock in the morning, and the assistant doctors in the internal medicine department were already preparing for work. The office was filled with the sound of water splashing, footsteps, and conversations, warming up for the day.

He waited at the corner for a while. When a man wearing a blue shirt and carrying a bag entered the room and came out shortly afterward with a thermos cup, still wearing the blue shirt, Wan Qingge seized the opportunity. With a few quick steps, he entered the office, only to inwardly curse his luck as soon as he did.

Another middle-aged female doctor was in the room, fixing her hair in front of a small mirror. As soon as she lifted her head, she saw Wan Qingge standing at the door.

But that didn't matter.

Wan Qingge swiftly moved to his target without hesitation—the white coat draped over the back of a chair directly opposite the female doctor's desk.

As he grabbed the white coat, the female doctor noticed the movement and looked away from the mirror. She raised her head and asked, "I heard they're not distributing grain and oil this year. Is that true?"

Wan Qingge smoothly turned, blocking her line of sight with the white coat held behind him. He murmured a low "Hmm" from his throat as he slipped his arm into one of the sleeves.

"Oh my! So we won't receive anything all year?" In this brief moment, the female doctor only saw the open white coat and a dark figure in mid-air. She then lowered her head to the mirror and complained, "I'm so tired every day."

With the white coat on, Wan Qingge swiftly walked out of the room before she could finish her sentence. By the time the man in the blue shirt returned, he would find that the coat hanging on the chair was gone—not just the coat, but also the work badge clipped to it.

Now, Wan Qingge had become Dr. Bao.

The medication storage room was in the adjacent management building. Now wearing the white coat, the security guards at the door didn't even spare him a glance as 'Doctor Bao' walked in easily. Everyone had their strengths, and one of Wan Qingge's strengths was this: no matter what kind of group it was, once he was placed inside, within two minutes, everyone would think he belonged there.

He confidently opened the door to an office and, behind his mask, asked the person inside, "Where's the person from the medication room? I'm looking for him."

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