Confronting Destiny

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At the stroke of midnight, Abhimanyu was engrossed in his study, diligently attending to his tasks when an unexpected knock interrupted his concentration.


he called out, granting access to his sanctuary.

In walked his sister Meghna, her presence at such a late hour prompting immediate concern from Abhimanyu. "Meghna, what keeps you awake at this ungodly hour?"

he inquired with a furrowed brow.

"Relax, bhaiya, I was just catching up on some assignments,"

she reassured him, dismissing his worry with a casual wave.

His concern unabated, Abhimanyu pressed further, "But why burn the midnight oil? Weren't you occupied earlier? And you have classes in the morning; it's not healthy to stay up so late. Consider this a final warning,"

he cautioned, his tone tinged with authority.

"You worry too much, bhaiya. Anyway, I came here with a question,"

she diverted, seeking his attention.

"I'm all ears,"

he replied, multitasking between his work and her inquiry.

Observing him closely, Meghna couldn't help but notice a newfound glow on his face. "I've noticed you've been unusually cheerful lately. Care to share the reason?"

she probed, curiosity piqued.

Abhimanyu's expression shifted, caught off guard by her observation. "Must you always pry into personal matters?"

he retorted defensively.

Undeterred, Meghna persisted, teasingly suggesting, "Could it be that you've found your soulmate?"

"Refrain from such inquiries in the future. Your audacity is unwelcome. Do you have a desire to relocate to Italy and live with Agastya?" he snapped, a hint of irritation creeping into his voice.

Meghna, feeling a surge of fear, stammered, "No... no... I apologize. Please, do not mention his name. I detest his domineering nature; I refuse to be under his influence in that mansion again,"

her voice quivering.

"I shall make that decision. Now, go and retire for the night,"

he asserted.

Trembling, she hurriedly exited the room, consumed by apprehension.

Abhimanyu, observing her reaction, chuckled to himself, "She fears Agastya more than she fears me."


The scene unfolded around the breakfast table, with an air of quiet tension enveloping everyone present. Not a word was exchanged as each member of the family sat, lost in their own thoughts.

Breaking the silence, Dadi directed her attention to Abhimanyu with a solemn tone. "Abhimanyu, there's something I need to discuss with you,"

she began, her eyes fixed on him.

"I'm listening,"

Abhimanyu responded, his focus divided between his plate and his grandmother.

With a hesitant pause, Dadi proceeded to reveal her intentions. "I have a friend who has put forth a marriage proposal for his granddaughter.

They come from a prominent family, you might be familiar with Khanna Industries,"

she explained, her words carrying a weight of expectation.

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