July 3 - "You still have time." (12)

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The next morning I was woken up by the sun's rays filtering through the window curtains.

I rubbed my eyes, leaning my back against the bedside.
I liked the silence of that place.
And I like being alone listening to it.

I finally decided to get up, took a shower, and when I picked up the phone I read a message.

Bella texted me:
<<See you in half an hour? I am starving.>>

I laughed.

I tied up my hair in a ponytail, I wore a black dress decorated with tiny yellow and white flowers and my usual converse.

Bella was already there waiting for me in the hall.
"Good morning... sorry I'm late." I announced myself.

"Don't worry. Good morning to you." She said, smiling.

Bella was wearing a sleeveless mini red dress, tight at the waist and with a sweetheart neck.
Her hair pulled into a bun with few strands loose on either side of her forehead.

"How did you sleep?" She asked.

"Pretty good ... what about you?"
I almost laughed because that night the last thing I saw before falling asleep was her instagram account.

Bella raised an eyebrow and smiled brightly:
"Me? Oh, great."

There was something hidden in that answer, I don't know why I have this feeling...

"Are you kidding me?" I laughed.

"Absolutely not." Bella responded without a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
She smirked, winking in my direction, then she lowered her gaze in search of a plate.

Who knows what she was thinking?

Oh, wait - Was she thinking about last night?
When she followed me on instagram and I followed her in return?

Naah, what a stupid thought.

While I remained paralized, she walked a few steps away, as if nothing had happened.

"I'm going to hit the buffet..." She announced, winking at me, again.
As she said that, she disappeared into the early morning crowd of people getting their breakfast.

That girl leaves me stunned.
With no reason.

I got my breakfast too and once I finished, I sat on the first table I found free.

What do I do now?
Wait for her to come back?
Texting her?
Or maybe she wanted to eat breakfast alone?

I sent a good morning text to Joe and put the phone down on the table.

"There you are." I heard talking.
I looked up and Bella was standing in front of me.

How did she find me, anyway?

"Did you burglarized the buffet?" I asked, smiling.
She had two plates in each hands.

Bella sat next to me, shrugging: "Kind of. I need a hearty breakfast."
Then she picked up a fork and raised it.
"For that matter, I need a hearty lunch too, and everything else..." She laughed.

"Here..." She said, handing me a mini portion of something.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Chocolate sufflè."

Bella raised an eyebrow seeing my shyly expression:
"I got one each, this time..." She smiled as she spoke.

I took the plate from her hand and laughed out of embarrassement.

The waiter approached us, asking what we wanted to drink.
I ordered my usual latte.

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