1336: A Turn of Events

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"Zheng Aiai!"

At the end of the corridor, the captain's shout startled Zheng Aiai, who quickly closed the computer page.

The private message dialogue box with the account 'I'm at odds with Cantaloupe' immediately retreated to the bottom of the computer screen as if afraid of being discovered by the captain. Zheng Aiai thought the captain hadn't noticed her secretly messaging on social media during work hours, so she turned her head calmly and asked, "Ah, what's the matter?"

"And the rest of you, come over, there's an announcement."

The captain's expression was not good. His jet-black hair covered his eyes, and he didn't even have time to tidy it up. Having lived here for five years, his abilities had long since declined, but when he put on a serious face, Zheng Aiai still felt nervous.

As she and the other four posthuman officers walked into the conference room together, they were not only greeted by the captain. Surprisingly, the branch director and several serious-looking men in suits were also there. Judging by their badges and considerable rank, they were all ordinary people, seemingly from different departments.

Such a lineup was rare.

"Do I not have a phone? Do you not have my contact information? Have I gone to an alien planet?"

The branch director exploded when the posthuman officers entered and stood in place. She shook her head to toss aside a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her face and paced back and forth, her high heels tapping angrily on the floor. "For such a big matter, to send out the paper crane without my consent!"

For a paper crane?

Zheng Aiai was surprised, unable to help but sneak a glance at the captain. The captain didn't look at anyone, his lips tightly pursed, his profile as hard as a rock.

It was she who received the private message from that stranger, and it was she who persuaded the captain to send the paper crane. Could she have caused trouble for the captain?

"Tell me the contents of the message you sent," the director calmed down and pointed at Zheng Aiai. "You speak."

She stuttered for a few seconds.

Chen Liguo was just an ordinary person. When she was transferred to this branch to be the director, many people were worried: this was the first time the department appointed an ordinary person to manage posthumans. Would this cause resentment among the posthumans, or would she be incompetent in her duties? But over the past few years, Chen Liguo had won everyone's respect with her decisive style and 100% success rate in persuasion, making everyone in the branch from top to bottom admire her, including Zheng Aiai, who secretly admired her as a female senior.

"Well... considering the special situation of that country, the other party may not know anything, so we simply introduced this world and the current situation of posthumans to Lin Sanjiu. Because it was the first time we heard about posthumans from that country, we also asked her about the situation and location and told her we could not leave this world."

"Is there anything else?"

"No... the length of the paper crane message is limited, and we planned to discuss it further after receiving a reply."

Zheng Aiai glanced at the director, feeling a bit uncertain. Even the question swirling in her mind just now didn't seem appropriate to ask anymore. They acted according to their usual principles, 'initiating contact with posthumans before ordinary people and engaging in persuasion negotiations.' Wasn't that right?

"When will the paper crane come back?" Chen Liguo asked coldly.

"It should be this afternoon."

"Good. As soon as the paper crane returns, hand it over to me immediately, and don't reply. Never contact people from that country again, whether posthumans or civilians."

Doomsday Wonderland Vol. 11: Modern World [Complete]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن