Europe Air War

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<<Turret number 3 is ready.>>

<<Turret number 7 is ready.All turrets is ready.>>

<<Brilliant,Yellowstone 1 to 8,fire!>>


A few more days after the Russians breached NATO defense lines in Europe,half of the central area of the continent,and many nations in the Balkan region,had fallen into Russian hand.

The coalition had had their first victory since the RFF joined the war.They successfully decimated an entire Russian army in the old Fulda gap,captured almost a hundred thousand men and thousand tons of vehicles thanks to their double envelopment tactic.

However,victory didn't come without the cost,with over twenty-thousand casualties and many equipment crisped or partly destroyed.It would take them a few months to recover their force,before they could stand such combat again.

Yet,at this time,NATO is the side who's preparing for an assault.After the defeat at Fulda,the Russians surely will bring out their Flying Fleet again,and NATO need to seize that chance to destroy those warships at once.And this time,with their own flying fleet,NATO confidently believe that they could do it.

Just one problem,tracking those ships was quite a difficult task.They were stealthy,and camouflaged to avoid being detected by radars from far away and satellites above their heads.

Luckily for them,a Czech air squadron had detected their movements while patrolling the Baltic.They are heading toward the High Sea,where they would prepare for their landing force for the invasion of Britain.

<<Control,this is Cosmo 5,we detected several movements,suspecting RFF(Russian Flying Fleet),heading toward Atlantic.>>

<<Received,good job Polaris,Cosmo squadron,RTB.>>

<<Negative.Cosmo 4 calling Polaris,should we have a rematch with those things?>>

<<No,Achird,you must be stupid to think we stand any chance,that's one L-159 per one and half a ship.>>

218th Tactical Squadron,also known as Cosmos,is an exiled squadron from Czech Vzdušné Síly.After their country being captured by the Russian Army,along with two Polish and a Ukrainian air squadron,they had fled to Western Europe to continue to fight.

Cosmo squadron consists of many ace that were found over Warsaw on the day it fell.And despite being reduced to just half of its size by the overwhelming Russian Air Force,they are still posing a minor threat to Russian activities in the region.

However,that said,they are not an equal match to the Flying Fleet.

<<And that's not adding their escorts.Jeez,those Su-57,I'm sure that we have shot down more than twice the number they supposed to only have.>>

Through the scanning radar,Polaris could count that there are at least fifty small dots flying side by side with the Flying Fleet,half of them being Felons,the rest is Flanker D,and probably Berkuts as well.The Felons aren't as stealthy as they propagated,but the number is certainly concerning.

<<Is the Black Cat there?>>

<<No clue,I hope he does not see us.>>

Nevertheless,there was a single Felon that stood out of the rest.A true stealth Su-57 with advanced weaponry that only Osean and US supposed to be processed.

In the middle of the clash over Warsaw,it joined the battle later than the others.But as the Felon's displayed its laser performance,the battle was turned,and a dozen of aircrafts were destroyed within a minute of its present.

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