1335: A Glimpse of the World

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Han Suiping possessed both quick thinking and organization. Even though the shocking turn of events threw his thoughts into disarray, he quickly sorted out several questions to which he must find answers: first, where is the Twelve Worlds?

"Many posthumans from the past have established the Twelve Worlds, where the survival difficulty is relatively low, similar to the order of human society."

A woman in a white suit sat on the sofa, explaining to the male host next to her. The host rested his arm on the table, seemingly very interested in the topic: "Oh, is it the 'Twelve Worlds' you mentioned in your book?"

"Yes." The woman turned her head and smiled at the camera, her makeup exquisite, resembling a movie actress. "I have lived in six of them."

The video, 'Friday Night Talk, Episode 1002: Guest Posthuman Shang Wan Talks About the Twelve Worlds,' stopped here and buffered again.

Han Suiping glanced at the remaining half-hour of the video and sighed inwardly. If he waited for the video to buffer bit by bit, wouldn't he have to sit until tomorrow morning? However, this search result had already given him some of the most important information: it turns out that Twelve Worlds is related to posthumans, and the latter established twelve human societies.

Why didn't they mention countries, but rather 'human societies'? Where were they established, and if new countries were established, why was there no news domestically?

Han Suiping vaguely knew about the existence of posthumans from the internet before, but honestly, he was too excited during his first two online experiences; even his memories were a blurry mess of excitement. Coupled with the fact that he was like an illiterate suddenly thrown into a library, there were countless concepts, common knowledge, and information to understand and grasp—in the limited opportunities, he did not spend time on posthumans.

So, the second question is, what exactly are posthumans?

In the search bar, he entered 'posthuman.'

This time, nearly tens of millions of search results popped up. Of course, he also knew now that not every search result was worth looking at. As you scrolled from the first few pages, the relevance of search results would decrease. On the first search result, he carefully clicked the right mouse button and squinted to find 'Open in New Tab' — he was quite familiar with this thing called a browser now.

The first result was an advertisement.

Well, it clearly said AD... But Han Suiping couldn't even bring himself to skip the advertisement, lingering for a few seconds, then remembered the important task at hand. The terror and despair from accidentally killing someone seemed to gradually fade away as he opened the webpage. He knew rationally that he was saving himself and should be nervous and afraid, but in reality, he couldn't help but enjoy every second online.

The cold night breeze, the rhythmic sound of the waves, the pale light of the cellphone flashlight, the dead person in Room 2004... When he hid under the blanket and secretly looked at the computer screen, this moment seemed magical, and he felt like he would never forget it.

He opened many search results in a row. The first one was from a website called World Encyclopedia, and the entry for 'posthuman' read:

Survivors from other human worlds destroyed by doomsday (see doomsday world entry).

He opened the entry for the doomsday world and continued reading while waiting for it to buffer.

Race: Posthumans currently appear to have a similar composition to the races of our world.

Abilities: Posthumans have developed abilities similar to superpowers to cope with the drastic changes of doomsday (see superpower entry). After they arrive in our world, their abilities gradually decline and are completely lost after several months, making them indistinguishable from us. This is also the basis for their integration into society and living together.

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