Chapter one:The Victim

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As Thomas navigated  the town with his pickup truck, clutching his steering wheel ,he looked through the side mirror of his truck,every where was filled with life,who could have thought that humans and were wolfs could co_exist. He smiled at the thought of it..

Stryker Thomas was an Alpha of his own pack in Clare wood,Scott his beta was  hot headed and always arguing with him on every single decision he made with the park  trying to question his authority as the Alpha of the park , Stryker knew how to pull the right buttons before it escalated further into a fight.Scott reminded Stryker of himself during his tennage years.

Stryker was the only surviving son of his parents who died in an accident with his siblings,he had cried for days bemoaning his fate,and questioning the gods for allowing such to befall his family.

Right after that he was picked up by his uncle Rochester and  taught how to fight as a were wolf,how to control his shifting and how to stay in control of his abilities in order to live in the human world.

There was a time during the full moon he had lost control of his wolf, and he turned.His wolf running deep into the forest,he had woken up the next morning his body covered in blood and mud,  with no memory of what he did,his conscience pricked him he knew something happened   he couldn't remember what had happened that night he had lost control.

From that day Stryker vowed never to lose control again,as he was about packing his car in his house .

He felt vibrations in his trouser pocket ,his hands reached for his phone the sherrif of his town was calling him.

He picked it up not knowing what to expect when he heard her voice loud and clear,"Stryker we need your assistance now!"she said on the phone and ended the call.he panicked wondering why the town sheriff was calling him...

He turned his car keys and drove to the station with sweat threatening to break out of his brow,as he parked his car by the side near the station,his legs moving fast  to the station to meet the sheriff.

" Your just the man I wanted to see "the sherrif shook Stryker hands,her smile spreading across her face.
"I heard you specialize on animal attacks tell me what kind of animal did this to this girl"?.

I looked at the picture of the victim my heart pounding in my chest, suddenly I felt there was no air in the station,I took a deep breath to steady my breath,my hands shaking,I knew what this was not an ordinary animal,it was a werewolf attack,my breathing was getting difficult,I reached for my inhaler to calm myself down.

"It doesn't look like much to me ,Stryker said with difficulty looking at the pictures scattered at the sherrif desk.Anything could have killed her in my own opinion.

"Anything or an animal "the sherrif responded looking intently at the picture daring the assailant to prove her wrong...

"Well I wouldn't conclude yet , his brows in a tensed manner, anytime you see cases of this attacks do well to inform me he told the sherrif as he took his car keys from the table determined to get to the root of the promblem ,the woods the girl was killed....

He reached the crime scene his wolf senses picking up the smell of fear from where the girl  was bitten,but there was something else that be couldn't quite place his fingers on .

the smell of the murderer was vague but also familiar like a kindred spirit a wolf not just any wolf a rogue wolf,he knew that smell but he couldn't  place it,he left the woods in anger.

Had any wolf decided to come visit his domain?he wondered howhe had never found out or was this wolf among his pack...

All this were questions that needed answers , he knew where he was going to get them,he entered his car and drove to his house to meet his pack...

All this year's they had lived among the humans undecteted if this murder continued he knew what was going to happen and he wouldn't let it happen,i won't allow it he said to himself and silently drove home..

"Which one of you did the kill"?,he asked his pack they  stared at him in confused, trying to understand  his accusation.

Stryker let out a howl,his claws becoming more visible,I won't ask again... " who made that kill!!". Everyone was afraid,he listened he heard their panic heartbeat but he can't stop,he needed to know who was the killer and if it was from his pack.

Scott came forward,"why would you think one of us did it?",we are your pack, and you swore to protect us from both the outside worlds and our biggest fear."so why will we risk so much as killing an innocent person ". without even hiding the body?

I respect you as the Alpha,but you should respect us and trust us as your pack the same way we trust you.

My mood slowly changed penetrated by Scott words,I got calmer, and my claws retreated,I dismissed my pack to think properly not out of fear.if they didn't make the kill who was it ?

Who was it that make them risk their identity from getting out.

The next full moon was approaching and he knew he needed to find the killer before it took another innocent victim.he sat down on the chair,his back resting on the armrest,he took his cellphone and dialed Derek's number.

Derek, tonight you will be on the lookout on the forest during the full moon, Scott will go with you,he ended the call...

The fangs and claw marks on the victim were strikingly familiar he said in the dark looking at the window pondering on his next line of action,he had to catch the rogue wolf before it made another kill exposing the wolves.

It was getting late,but he still sat on his chair thinking about the wolf that had gone rogue,he knew that another dead body will be found in the woods,he just didn't know when.

As he was deep in his thoughts he dozed off on the chair...he dreamt of the fire that killed his family,a mystery that remained unsolved ,that night his family burned in the fire,he was lucky to be out with his friend before the incident happened.

He  come back to find his house razed to the ground, barely recognizable,the night when his parents died was a day he always relieved in his mind over and over again.

The feeling of guilt and fear  he had buried underneath ,being an Alpha that his pack wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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