Moonfall: Shadow of the Pack

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The Village of Ashwood, 1256

The night air reeked of death and decay, heavy with the scent of wet earth and burning embers. The full moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the thatched roofs and the bustling town square. Villagers huddled in clusters, whispering tales of the latest attack. Another body had been found, mauled beyond recognition, with only the faintest trace of human scent remaining.

In the midst of the chaos, a lone figure emerged from the shadows. Lady Aria, daughter of the village elder, stood tall, her raven hair whipping in the wind. Her eyes burned with a fierce determination as she surveyed the scene before her. The villagers parted, making way for the young noblewoman as she approached the latest victim.

Aria's gaze fell upon the mangled corpse, and her heart raced with a mix of fear and fury. She knew the signs all too well – the torn flesh, the claw marks, the unmistakable stench of the beast. The villagers spoke of a monster, a creature driven by bloodlust and madness. But Aria knew the truth. She had seen it before, in the mirror's reflection, in the depths of her own soul.

The wind howled, and the moon dipped lower, casting an ominous glow over the village. Aria's eyes flashed with a hint of gold, a fleeting glimmer of the secret she kept hidden from the world. The beast was coming, and she would be the one to face it.

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