1- Vincent

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I leaned against the large SUV rental, watching the school gates from across the parking lot, waiting. The slam of a car door and the soft scuff of nearly soundless footsteps pulling me from my thoughts. I didn't need to look to know who approached me, their familiar scents and heartbeats, giving them away. Glancing down at my watch I realized I'd been lost in thought for quite some time. There were still 10 minutes till the final bell but, as I'd predicted, two of the three I'd called to this little meeting, were early.

"We're just missing that detective then?" Saul asked nodding in greeting as he stepped up beside me. He didn't seem surprised we were one man down, and I wondered if he'd had the pleasure of working with Dale before. The detective was not known for his punctuality and often came across as a fool, but I'd found him sharp as a tac where it mattered. A useful man to know for a council man, I mused.

"Hmm" I nodded. "We'll need him to make the introductions later."

"Oh? Meeting someone are we now? You should have warned us to look our best!" Iham laughed as he too joined us, eyes nearly sparkling, "Now, old friend, do tell! Who is it, thats important enough, to call us all together like this?" He rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

Iham's bubbly enthusiasm for people and "was something we did not share. He also clearly did not need the warning, as by nature of his creature and magic, he was never anything shy of emasculate. Still, he proceeded to jokingly fuss over his clothes and hair like the world would end if even one silver hair was out of place. I sighed. He was a beautiful and bright creature, a good reminder that life should be lived for the joy of doing so. It had been over a decade since the last unfortunate event that had brought the three of us together. I had still been part of the council with them back then, helping to rein in and police those of the other. I'd wanted a brake when I'd retired but it seemed that even if I could leave the job, the job couldn't leave me. I looked back at school gates. Cars with impatient parents were starting to line up and school staff scuttled about opening the gates. Five minutes left.

"We have a new ward." I started, "Dale got her all checked in and registered this morning and we are here to pick her up from her first day at a new Highschool." Glancing over at Saul I smirked, slapping him on the shoulder "Welcome to fatherhood!" Saul was the only one of us yet to step into that role and I laughed at his look of compleat befuddlement, and panic my word had caused.
It was then I caught sight of the dusty banged up police car our poor detective Dale, drove. As he turned into the parking lot, I waved him over.

"So, let's get started shall we?" I began as Dale scurried over to us, bowing hastily in greeting. I gave him a nod before continuing "Our girl is an unknown origin, unknown creature. Her magic is strong but has yet to be fully awakened. To make it more complicated she's been hexed to forget anything of the other. I watched a shifter full on shift in front of her and she couldn't even register what was happening, chalking it all up to spaciness." Iham whistled in admiration. It was a powerful spell to do that. "She was found in a mess related to my coven so by code falls under my jurisdiction, but after observing her for a while, I thought it would be better to bring her to the councils attention and move her to neutral territory. She... well, you'll see. I've arranged for her to stay with me at the resort temporarily, but I was hoping that you would take her into the pack house Saul."
"Wait- What! But she doesn't kno-"
I cut Saul off, "The spell is a strong one and going about your normal life won't effect her, she was found in a similar situation." I winced and rubbed my temples remembering that particular shit show. "I also suspect that the spell is designed to only repress her memories, but when it brakes all of those will return. In which case, exposing her now, to a safe and healthy environment could help ease her awakening—I didn't find her in the most nurturing environment." I admitted with a sigh.

"You suspect she's a shifter?" Iham probed, rubbing his chin in thought. He was far to old to think it would be that simple. Unknown origin cases were always complicated but not at the level where the top tear of the council would need to be involved personally. I stilled completely under his scrutiny, not quite ready to share my thoughts and the chaos they'd bring.

At some point while explaining the situation, the final bell had rung. Student were now pouring out of the gates by the hundreds, and spotted her just in time.
"There" I nodded, "see for yourself."

"I-I'll go get her!" Dale clambered, scurrying towards the throng of students.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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