Chapter 49

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                                Sunny's (P.O.V)

I've only been home for a few days and the last couple of days I've been having dreams about this girl with really long black hair. I wake longing to meet this girl because the dreams don't feel like dreams but memories.

In the couple days I've been home my mom filled me in. She told me about how I had gotten in a fight with my dad because of my sexuality a week before the crash. She said that after the crash her and my dad realized that people are more important than religion and accepted me for who I was. She told me about the girl named Roxanne that I was having dreams about and how we were in a secret relationship and how we both loved each other very much.

She told me about a painting called I Bleed Stars that was in the Freeman Museum because of me. She told me about what all happened when I was in a six month coma. She told me about  Roxanne's funeral and I felt a deep sadness in me when she was talking. She told me about how her and Roxanne's mom became friends. Then she told me about dance and how that was my whole life and how it was how we even got here.

The doorbell rang snapping me out of my thoughts. This is the first time someone's come around. I reached for my crutches before using them to walk to the door.

"Mom, someone is at the door and Sunny is going to answer it." Alison yelled from the other couch where she was sitting.

"Sunny, sit back and rest. I got the door." My mom said, coming up next to me.

I moved a couple steps back and gave her room to answer the door.

"Hey, did we get the right address?" I heard a girl's voice say once my mom opened the door.

"Thank you,  Amanda and Elizabeth. I'm sure she'll be happy to have her things back."

"Everything is in the car." The other female said.

"Oh, and this came in the mail six months ago. We were holding on to it till she woke up." One of the girls said, handing my mom a letter.

My mom passed  me the letter. I moved aside to open it while she went to go get the things the girls brought from their car.

I blanked and stood on my crutches as I struggled to open the letter.

When I was finally able to open the letter I began to read it.

Dear Sunny,

If you are reading this it means that I'm no longer on this earth.

It means that my time finally came.

It means that I wasn't strong enough.

It means that my body needed a rest, but the kind of rest that would last forever.

It means that the cancer had put up a better fight than I had, but it didn't win.

Even though I am dead I know that I'm still alive because love lives on. Courage lives on. Hope lives on. And peace lives on. Those are all the things I had when I was with you...

You once told me that you would cry a thousand tears for me. You would face your fears for me. You would bleed stars for me. And you did just that.

The reason I wanted you to face your fears was because I didn't want you hiding in the dark corner of life with fear stopping you from doing and seeing beautiful things. I wanted you to live the same way you unknowingly taught me how to live even though I was dying.

Romeo and Juliet were willing to die for each other, but they were also willing to live for each other. And if that project taught me anything...if you taught me anything it was that living is better than dying.  That is why I decided to do treatment even though all odds were against me and even though I was afraid of the treatment not working. I wanted to try to live for my family, for my friends, and of course for you.

I know that we had our ups and downs and words couldn't even begin to explain the emptiness I felt the time we were apart, but even though you broke my heart I still wanted to thank you for being my Juliet even if it was only for a short time I still wanted to thank you.

Your pastor once told you that just because God rejects you doesn't mean you have to reject Him and I think that's the bravest thing anyone can do and that is to still love others even when they reject who we are. Sunny I loved you till I breathed my last breath even though you had let me down.

I don't know if this is still possible, but I pray that you share your life with me and live for the both of us because I don't know how else to live on if not through you my one and only true soulmate. I pray for the first time in my life that you be my sun and not only shine for me, but also live for me because if I'm not living through you then I really am dead and it's sad for me to think that when I loved you I was the only one shining bright for another star that only knew how to bleed for someone else for a moment and not forever.

I don't want to make this letter too long, so I'll stop here, but Sunny I just want you to know that you were the most beautiful Bleeding Star that I have ever seen.

I'm not there to give you this letter so I only pray that it doesn't get lost and some way somehow gets to you.

I have to go now, but I will be waiting for you until our stars meet again.


Roxanne Smith

A tear fell from my face as I finished reading the letter.

"Roxanne," I said as memories of the black haired girl from my dreams came flooding back and I remembered.

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