Chapter 48

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                                  Sunny's (P.O.V)

"Sunny, I'm so sorry this happened to you and I'm so sorry you lost her. I wish we could go back to high school when you didn't have the weight of the world on your shoulders and we were in love."

I still had my eyes closed when he finished talking. I was afraid to open them. I didn't know who this person was and I felt bad because from the way he talked it was clear that he should be someone no one should ever forget.

I heard him get up and head towards the door and that's when I finally opened my eyes.

"Are you important?" I said before he could walk out the door.

I heard him laugh a little as he stopped walking and turned around to face me.

"Depends who you ask."

I sat up in the hospital bed even though it hurt to do so and everything in my body was screaming for me to lay back down.

"Are you important to me?" I asked.

He looked out the window with a strange look on his face. It was as if the answer to my question pained him.

"Not anymore, but I believe one time I was important to you...yes"

I wondered why he said that. Was it because I didn't remember him? Did we have a fallout before I lost my memory? Who was he?

"I'm sorry that I don't remember you." I said feeling hopeless because I couldn't remember anything.

"The accident wasn't your fault." He said, looking at me.

"Speaking of which, what happened?" I asked, trying to remember how I got here.

"I don't know all the details. You'll have to ask your friends and parents."

"Are you not my friend?"

He didn't answer the question.

"I just came by to make sure you were okay and now that I see you are doing better I don't need to-"

"Check up on me anymore?" I said, interrupting him as I remembered all the times he came to visit when I was still in a coma and I could hear his voice.

"Yeah...that." He said, making it sound like it was actually something else.

"What's your name?" I asked a bit curious.

"Kyle." He said getting choked up.

"Kyle what?" I asked.

"Kyle West." He said, wiping his eyes.

I didn't know why he was crying but seeing him sad made me sad.

"Kyle-" I began to say, but was interrupted by a nurse before I could say anything else.

"Kyle are you still in here?  Sunny's parents are here. We're going to pack up her stuff so she can go home." The nurse said coming into the room with a duffle bag.

"Yeah, I was just leaving."  He paused and looked at me one more time. "Goodbye Sunny." He said with a sad smile.

I watched as Kyle grabbed his stuff and as soon as he walked out the door I felt like I had lost the greatest friend anyone could ever have.

It wasn't long after Kyle left did two old looking couples walk in the room with a doctor following close behind them.

"Hi, Sunny. I'm doctor Warren and these two lovely folks are your parents." The doctor said pulling up a chair next to me. "Do you know where you are?

"A hospital?" I said looking at my hospital gown and all the tubes connected to my body.

"That's correct. You're at Elite hospital in California." He paused. "Do you know how you got here?"

I searched my mind for an answer. "I don't remember."

"You had a crash. Your car went over a cliff. The police found you and your friend."

"Why were the police the ones to find me?"

"They were already out tracking you and your friend because someone filed a police report against you honey." The woman who was apparently my mother joined in the conversation.

"Yes, a guy named Ethan Gunn told the police that you assaulted him with a baseball bat. Does that name ring a bell to you?" The doctor said.

I shook my head. "No, I don't know him."

"Do you remember your sister Alison, honey?" The woman said again.

I shook my head again. "No."

"Sorry I'm late." Another woman with a pixie haircut came in the room all out of breath. "Oh good she's awake."

"Oh, perfect timing Mabel." My mom said, grabbing the other woman's hand and coming to stand closer to my bed. "I'm sure you remember Miss Mabel. She's Roxanne's mom. You remember Roxanne Smith, right?"

"No," I said.

"Mabel, I think it's important that she spends some time with you after she gets better. Roxanne should be the first person she gets to re-know."

I looked over at Mabel to see what she would say to what my mom said when I saw tears running down her face.

"She won't be remembered by the person who mattered most to her." Mabel said in a sad tone as she continued to cry.

I didn't know I was crying until I saw a teardrop fall on my hospital gown.

I quickly wiped my eyes and sighed. All these faces. All these people who came and went through the door... I had no idea who they were.The nurse mentioned home and I didn't know where that was. I'm learning history I didn't know and I knew as soon as I walked out of this hospital, I would have to move on from whatever past I had and live in the present a present I didn't understand.

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