Chapter 40

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Roxanne's (P.O.V)

It's been a week and I haven't heard anything from Sunny. I tried texting and calling but I get no reply every time. I even tried going to the apartment, but she seemed to never be home.

Her silence made me feel like I did something wrong and maybe in a way this is all my fault. I should've never agreed to meet her dad.

"Roxanne, she's not coming." Sandy said coming up to me.

I looked at my phone one more time to see all the messages that I had sent Sunny before finally deleting her number.

"I guess you're right." I said, slurring my words.

Things have gotten worse with my cancer in the short amount of time I was away from Sunny. I've started to feel increasing pain in my bones and I'v started to slur my words.

"Do you still want to go to this dance." Sandy said with a worried look on her face.

"It's the only chance I get to see her." I said, getting up from where I was sitting in a gold strapless dress on bottom of the stairs.

"Okay, come on." Sandy said, leading the way out the front door.

Outside it was raining and I didn't say a word as I got in the limousine that I had rented for all of us a week ago.

Joey got up from where he was sitting in the limousine to come sit next to me. He put his arms around me and said, "Everything is going to be okay."

I watched the rain outside as we pulled out of my driveway and head to the Plaza Inn where the dance was being held.

When we arrived at the hotel and we entered the ballroom filled with people and loud music. I wanted to turn around and go home because this was too much but I stayed.

"Any signs of her?" Cody said coming out of nowhere wearing a blue tuck.

"No," Sandy said looking around.

"She'll be here. She has to. She promised me a last dance." I said hanging to that last bit of hope.

I was about to tell my friends to stop looking and go have fun when I saw Sunny making her way towards me in a gorgeous silver gown.

"Hi," I smiled at her as she came up to me.

"We need to talk." I noticed her glance over at our friends before looking at me again.

I grabbed her hand and led her away to a more spacious and less crowded place in the ballroom.

"Where have you been?" I said, slurring my words.

"Why can't you talk? Is it the cancer doing this to you?" she said as tears started to welled up in her eyes. I could tell she was very sensitive right now as if the slightest thing could make her cry.

"Don't cry you'll ruin your beautiful makeup." I said as I carefully wiped tears from her face.

"Roxanne, I came here to tell you that I love you, but you were right we don't belong in each other's world. I thought I was strong enough to love you, but I'm too afraid now."

"I should've known that's what you were going to say." I sighed.

"If I choose you I will lose my family," She said crying harder. "They're all I've ever known. I don't know how to let them go."

When she repeated the words similar to what Sandy had said the day after I got drunk I finally realized how strong of a grip her family had on her. There was no way she was choosing me.

"I'm your family now." I said slurring my words again.

"Roxanne what we had was amazing and I got to experience a love that people can only dream of having, but the dream we had is not enough. You are not enough."

I watched as Sunny ran away sobbing with her silver gown trailing behind her.

I walked as fast as I could to the table where my friends were and grabbed my umbrella before chasing after Sunny.

"Roxanne-" I heard Joey say as he and the others grabbed their own umbrella and followed me.

We all came to a stop outside as we put our umbrellas up. We watched as a taxi pulled up by the curb and Sunny moved towards it.

"Sunny!" I tried yelling but my words came out gibberish like.

She didn't hear me but she must have sensed our presence because she looked back at us one more time before getting in the taxi and driving away.

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