Chapter 38

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Roxanne's (P.O.V)

"Anything new happening in your life?" Silver my therapist said as she sat across from me at her desk.

"Remember that girl I told you about?" I said feeling myself get excited. I always got excited when I talked about Sunny because I love talking about her to people.


"Yes," I said, happy that she remembered.

She tilted her head to the side a little. "What about her?"

"I'm dating her now." I was happy that I could finally share the news with Silver. She had listened to me talk about Sunny for the two weeks that I didn't see Sunny before her tournament two months ago.

"Oh wow that's big news. Congratulations."

"Yeah, she asked me out when we were in Orlando."

"Oh, that's right. I saw you right before you want on that trip and we decided to cut back on therapy a little. Did you tell her you were sick yet?"

"Yes, and she has made me want to start treatment."

"Oh, that's amazing, so you've decided you're going to do treatment for your cancer?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid it might be too late because I waited too long."

"It's never too late. We can talk to your doctor tomorrow and see what we can do." She said, typing something on her computer. "Now that you've been doing therapy for a while, how do you feel about it?"

"At first I hated it because I hate talking about my feelings, but now it's okay."

"That's so good to hear." She laughed "By the way I remember everything you tell me."


After Sunny came and picked me up from therapy we drove to her dad's house.

"I'm sorry you had to present the project in front of the whole class without me. It's just that I couldn't miss therapy." I said looking out the window as we drove on the busy highway.

"Your therapist wouldn't be available again for awhile, so I understand." Her eyes were focused on the road but I could tell that she truly understood and wasn't holding it against me.

Her dad lived in the next town over so we had to drive far to get to his house.

When we finally came up to a small neighborhood we pulled up to the first house on the first block.

Sunny parked the car in the driveway and as we got out of the car an older man came out of the one story house.

"Hello everyone!" The man said, smiling.

Sunny went up to hug the man. "Hi dad."

"Who is this?" Her dad said when he saw me.

I gave him a small wave. "Hi, I'm Roxanne"

"Is it your car that needs fixing?"

I nodded my head.

"Okay, let me go get my tool box." He said moving towards the garage.

Sunny and I watched as he typed something in the bar code and the garage opened.

"I made snacks." Sunny's dad said as he walked back with a box of tools. "Go inside and try them."

"I'm okay," I said quickly.

"No please. They're for you guys."

I looked at Sunny.

"It's okay, you can go in." She said, smiling at me.

I didn't see anyway out of this so I made my way towards the front door.

When I got inside the house I toured the place a little. I saw that the interior was nice and the inside of the house had a 90's feel to it with the old furniture and decorations around the house.

I was looking at a picture of Sunny and her dad on the wall when I glanced over at the kitchen table and saw some snickerdoodle cookies. I went over to the cookies and grabbed one before going back outside.

I was making my way to the garage and was just about to round the corner when I heard Sunny and her dad talking about me.

I stopped in my tracks and started to eavesdrop.

"That friend you have in there? Is she a lesbian?"

"What? Dad how can you tell?" I heard Sunny say as if she was surprised by her dad's question.

"I've been around a long time. The way she looks at you is not the way friends look at each other. The looks she gives you is of someone who is deeply in love."

"Yes, she's a lesbian."

"Why are you friends with a lesbian? I want you to stop being friends with her."

"I'm an adult. I can pick my own friends now, dad."

I leaned against the bush as much as I could so they didn't see me.

"That girl is going straight to hell and she'll drag you with her if you're not careful. I think it's best if you stop being friends with her."

"Dad she's my girlfriend and I'm not breaking up with her."

"What did you just say?" I could hear the anger in her dad's voice now.

"I'm dating Roxanne."

I heard the sound of someone slamming on the hood of the car.

"Are you trying to embarrass the family. What about Kyle?"

"I broke up with Kyle two months ago and I have been dating Roxanne since then."

"You and that girl are both fagots. Get away from my house now."

This was my que to step in.

"Hey Sunny we have to cut this short. Cody said he needed me." I said emerging from around the corner.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I wanted to beat the old man up for making her cry but I knew I couldn't do anything because he was still her dad.

I grabbed Sunny's hand and we made our way to my car. The old man didn't say anything else as we got in my car and drove off.

"Well, it's obvious that your dad loves me." I said once we were back on the road.

"Are you making a joke out of this right now?" Sunny said while still crying in the passenger seat.

"He's your dad. He'll come around."

She laughed. "See this is what I mean. You don't understand my world. Your parents aren't Christians so of course they accept you."

"Well, sounds like I don't belong in your world then," I said as I finally understood what she meant.

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