Chapter 34

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Roxanne's (P.O.V)

I looked everywhere for Sunny, but didn't find her.

I felt so bad for the way I had reacted earlier. I wanted to go further with Sunny, but I couldn't risk her seeing my bruises.

I know I need to tell her about my illness soon because I didn't have that much time left, but I was so afraid she was going to treat me differently once she found out to where I didn't know if I ever wanted to tell her.

After looking all over town for her I finally decided to head back home.

I made it back home late and when I got there Sunny was waiting at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me.

"Well, I'll give you one thing you sure know how to hide. I looked everywhere for you." I said closing the front door behind me.

Without replying she ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"I hate it when we fight."

I chuckled a little as I realized how innocent Sunny really was.

"I'm sorry about earlier." I said hugging her back.

"I know you did it for a reason and whenever you're ready to tell me that reason I'll be here waiting to listen." She said pressing her lips lightly on mine.

"Well, I be damned. You really got the straight girl to fall for you." Ivy said coming out of nowhere.

Sunny quickly turned around and we both looked at Ivy.

"You're back?" Sunny said surprised.

"You know Ivy I thought about what you said two months ago and believe it, or not I agree with you for once. See, the reason I was falling for girls who could never love me back was because I was falling for ones without a heart thinking mine was big enough for the both of us. But no love can grow when one home is almost empty and full of dead flowers." I looked at Sunny. "You both have to be alive for it to work out."

Ivy just glared at us without saying anything.

"Well, I think we're done here." Sunny said, grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs with a huge grin on her face.

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