Chapter 30

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Roxanne's (P.O.V)

I was on my way to the airport when I realized that I forgot my phone at the hotel.

"I need to go back." I said to the taxi guy.

"Go back? We're halfway there." He said in an English accent.

"Yes, I forgot my phone and I really need it." I tried explaining to the guy.

"You owe me double." He rolled his eyes. "I'll get off the next exit and make a U turn."

"Thank you so much!" I sighed in relief.

After Sunny had left my room last night I booked the next flight to California. It was obvious that she didn't want me here so I was leaving.

Who knew that this trip was going to be such a disaster. I guess I have only myself to blame for once again putting myself in Sunny's life, but this time I know she didn't actually want me there.

I didn't know what to do anymore. I couldn't be her friend. I tried and it was just too much. I'm always going to want to be the hand she grabs when watching movies. I'm always going to want to be the one she stands up for. I'm always going to want to be the one she flirts with her eyes with. I was always going to want more with her and my longing for her was going to kill me eventually if I didn't end the friendship now.

I looked out the taxi window as I ignored the pain from the bruises on my body that were growing more each passing day and lost myself in thoughts of finally making it home.


When I arrived at the hotel I made my way to the front desk to talk to someone about maybe giving me access to my room again.

The guy that was here when I first checked in wasn't on shift today.

"Hi, I left my phone in my room and I was wondering if there was any chance I could get it back?" I said, talking to a lady behind the front desk.

"What's the name?"

"Roxanne Smith." I said quickly. I wanted to hurry because I didn't know if the taxi guy was willing to wait for me, or if he was going to leave after the ten minutes he gave me to be back were up.

"What was your room number?" She asked.

"304" I said, glancing at a couple that came in through the door with their luggages dragging behind them.

"Um, we already gave you an extra key. Did you lose it already?"

I looked at her confused. "What?"

"We keep a note of all the extra keys we give out for safety reasons and it says here you already got the extra key."

"But I checked out this afternoon."

"Here. I'll give you a key to go get your phone then we can figure everything out." She said going in the back room behind her desk for a quick second and coming back with a key.

"Thank you so much." I said before running to the elevator.

I wondered what was going on with the key situation for a second but then thought I'd just let the hotel deal with everything.

When I got to my room and opened the door I saw a pathway of flowers leading all the way up to the bed. I looked around the room and saw candle lights burning on the table and the nightstand that was in between the beds.

"You know we have to appreciate movies more. They give good tips on how to apologize after being an asshole." Sunny said leaning in the doorway of the hotel room.

I didn't hear the door opening. She must've been the one who requested the extra key.

"Did you just cuss?" I was surprised because I'd never heard her say anything like that before.

"Did I? I guess you really have rubbed off on me." She laughed.

I looked around the room again.

"Did you do this?" I said looking at her.

"Maybe." She said in a shy tone and for a second I got a glimpse of the girl I used to always see in her shell in class.


"Because I love you, Roxanne." She said, coming closer to me.

"But I thought- what about last night?"

"Remember how I said I could live without you?"

I nodded as I remembered the pain I felt in my chest from hearing her words.

She took another step closer to me. "Well, that's something I had to learn to do. Which means in the short amount of time I got to know you, you became my world. "She paused. "Those two weeks I went without you I had to live through the things we once did together to be able to make it without you. That's why I said you were everywhere because I went to all the places we went to. I thought if you couldn't be in my life those places that held our memories would be enough till I saw you again, but the whole time I was at the movies or the aquarium or even the cliff-"

"You went to the cliff?"

"It was supposed to be practice for when I did my part of the project. I tried writing about Romeo and Juliet every time I went to the cliff, but you were all I could think about. Roxanne you live in my poetry."

"And you in paintings" I said in disbelief.

The whole time she was talking she had been taking small steps towards me and now she was close enough to touch.

"I know you love me Roxanne and I love you too. I'm sorry that I couldn't say it to you that day I realized it on the cliff."


Before I could finish my sentence she brought her lips to mine. At first I was too shocked to return the kiss, but once I quickly recovered from my shock I began to kiss her back.

Her lips felt nice on mine and I smiled as she deepened the kiss.

We were still in the middle of kissing when I suddenly pulled away.

"Sunny we can't." I said all out of breath.

She looked a bit concerned. "Why?"

"Because you have a boyfriend. I remember the conversation we had at Subway. I don't want you to hurt him the way someone had once hurt me."

A huge smile spread across her face. "Guess who helped me set all this up?"

I thought about it for a second then realization hit me like a ton of bricks. "What? You told him?"

"Yeah, it's over between us. He promised he won't tell my parents."

"Tell them what?"

"Roxanne I want to be with you but my life and relationship with my parents is very complicated. If we were together only our friends could know."

I smiled a little.

"Are you asking me out?"

She brushed a strand of  hair out of my face. "Yes, I guess I am."

"Well, then let this kiss be my answer." I said bringing my lips to hers.

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