Chapter 15

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Sunny's (P.O.V)

When I was done taking a shower I got out and quickly got dressed.

I felt so nice and refreshed. I always like taking a shower after dance practice.

When I was done in the bathroom I turned off the lights and went back to Roxanne's room.

When I saw that Roxanne wasn't in her room I made my way downstairs.

I didn't really know where to go so I made my way towards the kitchen hoping that Cody would still be there, but when I got to the kitchen I saw Ivy with Cody and Roxanne nowhere to be found

Ivy didn't notice me at first and she was about to put an olive in her mouth when she stopped and looked at me.

"Looking for someone?" She asked.

"Um, yeah. Roxanne."

"Oh, she's in the west wing right now getting a couple things she should be back in a moment."

"Oh, okay." I said, looking around awkwardly.

"So how long have you and Roxanne been dating?"

"Dating? Oh, no Roxanne and I are just friends. I'm straight." I didn't feel comfortable talking to her for some reason, but I continued the conversation to be polite.

She laughed. "Well, now isn't that something."

"What's so funny?" I was confused.

"Nothing," She said quickly. "Here I'll just take you to Roxanne. Follow me."

Not really thinking about where she could be leading me, I followed her.

I looked around the place as we made our way to a part of the house that I've never been to before.

"She should be in there. Just go down the steps and you'll see her." Ivy said once we stopped in the hall in front of a closed door.

"Thank you so much."

"Anything for one of Roxanne's friends." She said, opening the door that looked like it led to the basement or something.

I looked down at the long steps and saw that it was pitch black down below to where the stairs led.

"Why are the lights off-" before I could finish my sentence Ivy shoved me hard.

I went tumbling down the steps. I was too busy trying not to die to realize that the door had closed behind me.

I wasn't able to keep myself from landing hard on my back at the bottom of the stairs. Good thing what I landed on was carpet or else I didn't know if I would've gotten out of there without breaking anything.

I layed on the ground just looking up at the ceiling because my back hurt too much to get up at the moment .

Once I finally recovered I made my way up the steps.

I tried opening the door but it was locked.

"Hey! Let me out!" I yelled.

When I got no reply I yelled again.

"Ivy, open this door right now!"

I still didn't get a response. I was about to scream at the top of my lungs when I felt pain shooting through my head.

"Ow," I said, bringing my hand to my head as I slowly sat down at the top of the steps.

I sat there holding my head in pain for what seemed like hours before I stood back up and tried yelling again.

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