Chapter 11

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Sunny's (P.O.V)

When I entered my English class which was my first class of the day I saw that Sandy was already there. She was sitting towards the front in the area where I usually sit. She waved me over once she saw me.

I gave her a small smile and slowly made my way to where she was. Luckily there was an empty seat next to her.

"Hi, Sunny! How are you?" Sandy said once I reached her. I thought she was way too happy this early in the morning.

"I'm okay I guess." I took a seat next to her. "What about you? How are you doing?"

"I'm doing okay. I kind of wish I didn't have class so early, but it is what it is." She sighed.

"Yeah, same." I said, pulling my books out from my bag.

"So how was lunch with Roxanne the other day?"

"It was good."

"That's good, so are you joining us this Thursday?"

I was confused. "Joining you?"

"Yeah, Roxanne didn't invite you?"

I hope it wasn't another party. I hated being at the party on Friday surrounded by all those people. The beach was fun because it was just Roxanne and two of her friends, not a bunch of random people.

"I don't even know what you're talking about." I stated.

"Every Thursday night there's a bonfire that Roxanne, Cody, and I go to on the beach. It's super fun. We sing, dance, and tell stories around the bonfire. We have food and everything so you don't have to worry about dinner."

"That sounds fun."

"Yeah, it's a little cliche, but we don't care. We're just glad we have something that gives us a break from school."

That all sounded way more fun than anything I did on Thursday night.

"I can't believe Roxanne didn't tell you about it." She said, rearranging her textbooks on her desk.

"It's fine," I said.

After not letting her enjoy her own party I seriously doubt that Roxanne would want to invite me to anything again.

"You know what?" Sandy suddenly said as if she just came up with the greatest idea.

"No, what?" I said. I was a bit curious.

"I'll just invite you to the bonfire myself, so Sunny would you like to join us at the beach Thursday?"

I didn't know if I could be around a large group of people again. It took everything in me to not have an anxiety attack at Roxanne's party.

"I don't know-" I began to say.

"It won't be as intense as Roxanne's party. I know that was a bit much for you. It will just be me, Roxanne, Cody, and a couple of other people." She said before I could finish talking. "Oh and I almost forgot Joey will be there too."

"Lovely," I said.

What were they going to think when they found out that I actually had no idea who Joey was? Roxanne saw through my lie at the party and she seemed chill about it, but what about the rest? How would they react?

"So will you go?" Sandy asked.

I wish I had an excuse. Like I was going out with friends, but I didn't have any.

"Yeah, sure I'll go." I finally said.

"Awesome!" Sandy smiled.

"Which beach is it at again?"

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