20. Lacuna

447 9 52

(n.) a blank space, a missing part.

Okay, we're finally making some progress with this story, hooray!

Song: 'Everyday' by A$AP Rocky

After reading some comments last chapter, I would just like to say in chapter 15, when Angelina was working and she came across a room with a strange man where she saw him kill someone, I realised I called him Damien (Azalea's brother) when that isn't actually his name.

His actual name will be revealed later on...

I am so sorry for my mistake 😭

Also, I've had loads of comments about when we are going to be properly introduced to her enemy/love interest and I just thought to let you know this is a SLOW BURN meaning when they are introduced it will take a while to start to show romantic affection towards each other since I want them to me actual enemies 🤗

With that in mind, enjoy 😉



Alessandro's POV:

"Are you sure? I don't mind walking with you." I offer.

I've only just recently reconnected with Angelina, and I couldn't be happier.

I wouldn't know what to do with myself if something happened to her, and it would make me feel better knowing someone was there to protect her if something went wrong.

Working in the type of business our family does, it's dangerous for newly introduced members, even though Angelina doesn't have a clue who we actually are.

Luca was trying to convince us all that we should tell her since she's now apart of the family, but telling her would just put her in more danger, and we couldn't risk it, especially since we just got her back.

She reassures me she'll be fine on her own.

"If you insist." I shrug, but I couldn't help but shake the feeling something was going to happen.

I shake my head.

It's probably just because I didn't sleep enough last night.

Looking for a way to distract myself, I pull the punnet of raspberries out of Azalea's hand, knowing as soon as my fingers come into contact with any food of hers she will fight to the death to get it back, much like Luca and Angelina.

"Hey!" She complains, but I grab the last handful and shove them into my mouth, chewing happily when she glares at me hard enough that I'm pretty sure she could see into my entire soul.

"Azzy, do you want to come to work with me? We could probably talk or something."Angelina asks Azalea hopefully.

Azalea turns her head in Angelina's direction and shakes her head. "I would love to, but my Dad grounded me yesterday because I got home so late."

I chuckle to myself as I watch them talk.

I'm glad Angelina had someone like Azalea, and Azalea like Angelina.

Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I turn to see my two friends Louis and Alex standing behind me.

"Hey man, how you doing?" Alex asks with a sly grin.

"Fine. Why do you look like you want to do experiments on me?" I ask with suspicion.

Louis laughs as Alex grumbles.

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