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""In a fleeting moment, beneath the moon's soft gleam,
Two souls met, unaware of destiny's silent scheme.
A spark ignited, a connection unforeseen,
Bound by fate, their journey yet to redeem""


"It was a chilly, moonless night, and the darkness seemed to swallow everything in its path. Amaya, exhausted from a long day, trudged along the deserted street, yearning for the warmth and comfort of home. As she reached the familiar corner, she paused, her breath forming tiny clouds in the cold air. She glanced at her watch, the hands ticking away the minutes impatiently.

The streetlights above flickered sporadically, casting eerie shadows that danced across the pavement. Amaya sighed, feeling a sense of unease creeping over her. She wrapped her coat tighter around herself, hoping to ward off the chill both inside and out.

As she stood there, her mind wandered to the events of the day, replaying conversations and encounters like scenes from a movie. Lost in thought, she barely noticed the distant sound of footsteps echoing down the empty street.

Suddenly, a sharp voice shattered the silence, sending a jolt of fear through her veins. 'Stop, or I'll shoot!' The words hung in the air, ominous and menacing. Amaya's heart raced as she scanned the darkness, searching for the source of the threat.

Her eyes widened in alarm as she spotted a shadowy figure darting towards her, then vanishing behind the shelter of a nearby wall. Panic surged within her as she realized she was not alone. Instinctively, she pressed herself against the cold, unforgiving surface of the building, her pulse pounding in her ears.

Moments later, a group of men emerged from the shadows, their faces obscured by the darkness. They moved with purpose, sweeping the area with a sense of urgency. Amaya held her breath, praying they wouldn't see her, wouldn't notice her trembling form standing there in the night.

'Have you seen anyone?' one of the men demanded, his voice low and menacing. Amaya hesitated, torn between the instinct to protect herself and the desire to help another soul in need. In the end, fear won out, and she nodded silently, pointing in the opposite direction of the man she had seen.

The thug nodded grimly, their expressions hard and determined. With a final glance in her direction, they set off into the darkness, disappearing into the night like ghosts.

That man heard her and he thought she lied to them and saved my life.
After a minute he came out and stand infront of amaya , he was about to said something but ...

He heard that those thugs were heading back their way, so he swiftly grabbed Amaya's hand with one hand and placed the other on his neck, drawing her close against the wall. Cupping her face gently, he leaned in and initiated a kiss. Amaya was taken aback by the suddenness of it all, too shocked to react before their lips met.

The men approached, their voices growing louder as they drew nearer. But this time, instead of stopping, they merely glanced in their direction before continuing on their way.

'Let them have their moment,' one of the men muttered gruffly. 'We have more important things to attend to.' And with that, they disappeared into the night, leaving Amaya and the stranger alone once more in the cold embrace of the darkness."

When they parted, Amaya was on the verge of questioning his actions, but she heard her name being called... amayaa

Fearful of being caught by her uncle with a stranger at night, she hurriedly left. Just before she departed, she glanced back, but still she was unable to saw his face.

That man also get  only a glimpse of the amaya's eyes illuminated by a passing streetlight.

As they disappeared into the night, the man, now alone, couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief. Yet, amidst the chaos, he whispered " Amaya"

The only things he knew about her were her name and the way her eyes looks. And as he stood there, watching them vanish into the darkness, he couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious girl who had crossed his path.


"Thank you for reading the prologue of my story. I hope you enjoyed it!

So the story will start after 2 years from this incident .

I'll be updating regularly, so stay tuned for more.

For updates, follow me on Instagram"

For updates, follow me on Instagram"

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