Detective Heer Siddiqui's fifth case

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"We are going out, okay?." said the mother,

"We will be back soon." replied the father,

The parents went out to the movies, leaving their daughter alone.

The daughter saw a bush waddle and then ignored it. A few hours later, the parents came back after going to the movies and going out for dinner.

"Honey, we are home." said the mother,

"Honey... Honey." replied the father,

There was no answer from the daughter, and so they searched everywhere for her, but she was nowhere to be found.

A few days later, Heer was sitting in her apartment in New Orleans. She was eager to start her adventure again after solving four cases.

Heer looked at her hair and thought she really needed a haircut. She was sipping on her chai tea while reading a book.

It had been months and weeks since solving her four cases. She was hoping to get a haircut but the phone rang and she decided that the haircut would have to wait.

"Hello." said Heer,

"Is this Detective Heer Siddiqui." replied the voice,

"Yes, who is this." said Heer,

"My name is Mrs. Kapoor, and I need your help. My daughter, Alisha, has gone missing." she replied,

"Is there some place private we can talk." said Heer,

"We can talk in my office." she replied,

"Alright, we will meet there." said Heer,

Heer tied up her hair, put on her trench coat, and then headed to the office building. Heer arrived at Mrs. Kapoor's office was greeted by a distraught woman in her late fifties.

"Oh, you are here." she replied,

"It's going to be okay." said Heer,

Mrs. Kapoor explained that Alisha, her only daughter and heir to the Kapoor fortune, had disappeared without a trace two days ago.

"I don't know what to do, Detective. Alisha is my whole world, and I fear something terrible has happened to her," Mrs. Kapoor replied, (sobbing)

"I will find your daughter, don't worry." said Heer,

She began by interviewing the staff at the Kapoor mansion, trying to piece together Alisha's last known whereabouts.

She noticed a photograph and asked the housekeeper about it. The housekeeper stated that the man in the photograph with Alisha is Varun Saxena.

Heer went to another posh mansion, and the butler let her in.

"Sir, a detective is here to see you." replied the butler,

"Alright, thank you." replied Varun,

She noticed Varun was drinking a glass of whiskey.

"Alisha Kapoor is missing, and do you always drink whiskey." said Heer,

"Yes, I do drink whiskey, and I heard about her when I read the newspaper. Seems like the Kapoor family couldn't keep it quiet that their daughter is missing." replied Varun,

"I see." replied Heer,

"Do you drink whiskey, Detective?." said Varun,

"No, I don't drink alcohol and how do you know Alisha." replied Heer,

"I don't know her." said Varun,

"There was a picture of you two together at the Kapoor mansion." replied Heer,

"Alright, she was my fiance, but we broke off our engagement." said Varun,

"Why." replied Heer,

"We are too different." replied Varun,

"Really, hmm, interesting." said Heer,

"She obviously said we were perfect for each other and wanted us to marry. She was incompatible with me." replied Varun,

"So you broke off the engagement because you thought you two weren't compatible." said Heer,

"Yes, that's right." replied Varun,

"Are you sure you didn't lose your cool and kidnap her or worse, kill her." said Heer,

"I'm positive. Detective, thanks for stopping by." replied Varun,

"Okay, I'll be back, but if I find any evidence against you, then you'll be arrested." said Heer,

"Understood Detective I would never break the law." replied Varun,

Heer looked at him one last time before leaving the posh mansion. She thought that Varun was suspicious, but she couldn't arrest him without proof.

"Are you sure she doesn't suspect anything, sir?." said the butler,

"I'm sure, and she'll never know the truth." replied Varun,

Varun smirked at the fact that he had been able to conceal his true intentions.

Heer looked at her watch it had been 48 hours since Alisha's disappearance, and she thought she might have been murdered.

She had remembered smelling a foul stench at Varun's mansion.

"Hello, Varun." said Heer,

"Back so soon." replied Varun,

"I have to say that you are remarkable. You almost had me fooled, but don't you know it's a mistake to fool a detective." said Heer,

"I have no idea what you are talking about." replied Varun,

"You killed her, Varun. I smelled a foul stench when I came here to question you." replied Heer,

"How did you figure it out." said Varun, (shocked)

"After you had gone, I found Alisha's body in your bedroom." replied Heer,

Varun's face was of pure anger, and he tried to attack her, but she handcuffed him.

"You... you I hate you, detective." said Varun,

"Don't hate the player hate the game." replied Heer,

She took Varun outside and handed him over to the police.

Mrs. Kapoor wept tears of joy she was grateful to Heer for bringing justice for her daughter.

"Thank you, Detective Siddiqui. You have brought our daughters killer to justice," Mrs. Kapoor said, her voice filled with gratitude.

"How did you find out." said Heer,

"The police told us." replied Mr. Kapoor,

Heer smiled, knowing that she had once again cracked the case and brought justice to those in need. As she left the Kapoor mansion, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at a job well done.

And so, Detective Heer Siddiqui's fifth case came to a close, but she knew that there would always be more mysteries to solve and more lives to save in the future.

Heer And The Case Of The Missing And Murdered Heiress (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now