Promises and Sacrifices

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He cast a fleeting glance in my direction before turning his attention to my mother, uttering,

"I must take my leave now. You must prioritize your well-being; don't worry about the project. I'll manage everything."

As he made his exit, he stole one last look at me before exiting through the door.

Lost in the whirlwind of emotions, I approached my mother, tears brimming in my eyes. "Mom, how did all of this happen so suddenly?"

I inquired, my voice trembling with worry.

"Nothing serious, my child, just a minor incident. I'm perfectly fine,"

she reassured me.

I regarded her with incredulity.

"Minor incident? It was a heart attack, Mumma. Such occurrences don't happen without cause."

Amidst the conversation, Amrita Aunty interjected, "Everything might seem ordinary to her, but do you realize the fear we experienced upon witnessing your condition?"

"It's fortunate that we were in Abhimanyu's office when it happened. He acted swiftly, getting her to the hospital without delay,"

she added, her expression reflecting concern.

"Enough, Amrita. What's done is done. I don't wish to linger here any longer. I want to return home,"

my mother interjected firmly.

"Riddhima, please consult with the doctor. When can I expect to be discharged?"

she instructed me.

With a steely gaze, I observed her unwavering determination, but I refused to let her stubbornness prevail this time.

"No, Mumma, you are not budging from this spot until you're fully recovered. I'll return after conferring with the doctor about other matters. Aunty, please look after her until then,"

I declared before exiting the room.


• In the doctor's cabin:

"It was indeed a minor attack; she's stable now. You can bring her home today,"

the doctor informed me.

"But, Doctor, my worry is understanding how this occurred,"

I expressed to him.

"Sometimes, such episodes can be triggered by heightened stress levels. However, there's something crucial I need to discuss regarding her condition,"

he elaborated.

"As you're aware, this marks her second cardiac event, and if it were to happen a third time, her life could be at risk,"

His words left me stunned; I hadn't realized my mother had experienced another heart attack. It was truly a shock to me.

"Who can I turn to for answers? I'm completely lost,"

I murmured to myself.

Upon my return from the doctor's cabin, I noticed Janvi Di hurrying towards Mother's room.

"She'll have the answers," I concluded, confident in Janvi Di's insight.

Determined, I made my way to Mother's room, where I found her embracing Mother, tears streaming down her face.

As she caught sight of me, Janvi Di rushed over, enveloping me in a tight embrace.

"Riddhi, Mother is okay, right?"

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