1322: The Unharmed Wu Lun

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"Hello? Is... this Lin Sanjiu?"

Wu Lun's voice sounded weak, and her thick nasal tone momentarily made Lin Sanjiu think she was crying.

"Yes, it's me. Are you alright? Where are you?"

The girl on the other end of the phone sniffed and whispered, "I'm fine, nothing serious. I got into a car accident this afternoon, and my phone ran out of battery. I'm at the hospital now."

This was an answer that Lin Sanjiu never would have guessed. However, as soon as she heard it, she immediately interrupted Wu Lun, "Wait a moment."

Now that she knew Wu Lun was still safe, the urgent needle suddenly turned to another direction.

She glanced at the young man opposite her and the crowd behind him, who was still replaying the same conversation over and over again; in the early hours of the morning, apart from the lively atmosphere near the bar, the rest of the area remained quiet and peaceful, so it was difficult to determine the extent of the coverage of this 'rewind' effect.

"I don't have any ill intentions toward you," she hurriedly said, and Wu Lun made a sound of surprise on the phone. This young man's refusal to call her but waiting for her to appear here showed that he was full of doubts about other posthumans and must not be allowed to retreat. She suggested, "I just want to find companions to leave this world together. If you're willing to talk, let's go up."

With that, Lin Sanjiu pointed to the sky—along the way, she had had enough of being watched by hundreds of cameras.

"Up...upstairs?" the young man was puzzled.

"No," Lin Sanjiu said. "On top of the street lamp."

For two posthumans who were meeting for the first time and testing each other, street lamps were really convenient. Their advantages were obvious: there were no obstacles in the air, making it difficult to lay ambushes; the foothold was very small, making it difficult to fight; and the distance was stretched out, making it difficult to ambush. If something went wrong, there was nowhere to hide in all directions, and anywhere could be an escape route.

However, the young man looked reluctant when he looked up at the street lamp. He pursed his lips for half a second, and his tone was dry and fast when he spoke again. "I'll go up now."

As Lin Sanjiu leaped two leaps on the lamppost using Higher Consciousness and landed on top, she looked down, only then realizing why the young man's expression was troubled.

"Send me your hospital address, and I'll come find you immediately," Lin Sanjiu hastily said into her still-connected phone, not waiting for Wu Lun to speak again. She added a quick "I have something to deal with here" and hung up the phone.

For most posthumans, climbing to the height of a street lamp was not very difficult, but that was under the premise of 'abilities not deteriorating.' The young man seemed to have been in this world for a while now. His abilities had begun to decline—he hesitated for a few seconds standing on the ground, then raised his hand and threw a rope towards the lamppost; the rope fell off before it even touched the top of the lamppost the first time, and only on the second attempt did it manage to coil around the section of the lamppost that hung down.

He secured the rope around his waist, grasped it with both hands and began climbing up the pole. As he climbed higher, it became more difficult, slipping several times, almost falling, and taking two or three minutes to reach the top. Even after reaching the top, it didn't mean he could stand steadily; the young man crouched on the lamppost, gripping the pole tightly with both hands, then let out a breath, his breathing becoming slightly heavy.

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