1320: The Donkey with an Eye Mask

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Whether ordinary people or posthumans, they are all donkeys wearing black blindfolds on their eyes. Destiny allows you to see only this small piece in front of you.

What people can do is only make a seemingly correct choice at the moment, but what will happen in the future, whether the decision you made is good or bad, after that moment, you can only wait anxiously for destiny to reveal the answer.

In the world, how many things come down to just one 'if only I had known earlier.'

In this bullshit-like game of life, what is most unbearable is not knowing whether the choices you made at a certain moment will be inconsequential or seriously affect the future.

For example, at 6:18 PM today, Lin Sanjiu asked Wu Lun to take the car home first, while she chose to chase another taxi.

At that moment, she didn't think about the significance of this move, and Wu Lun didn't realize the impact of this decision either; at 6:18 PM, both thought it was just a temporary parting.

Until 11:54 PM that night, Lin Sanjiu still hadn't seen Wu Lun return home.

The clock on the table ticked mechanically, clearly, and indifferently.

She glanced hastily at the moment of parting, not noticing the taxi number plate about to stop beside Wu Lun. She couldn't track it from the taxi plate; in fact, Lin Sanjiu didn't even know if she got into the car later. Around 7:30 PM, she continuously knocked on Wu Lun's door for ten minutes. Even the neighbors opened their doors and looked out, but Wu Lun didn't come out to answer. When she called her phone, it remained switched off.

At 8:30 PM, Lin Sanjiu, who had torn off the security bars and crawled into the house, decided to go along the route they had returned to find someone. She took Wu Lun's photo from the house and asked everyone she met along the way, including pedestrians and shopkeepers. She asked them all.

The phone remained off.

At 10:30 PM, she searched again using the same method.

Although the second search ended in vain, she clung to the hope that maybe Wu Lun had already returned home. She returned to the cramped single room again, waiting until now. As the night deepened, the city became quieter, and the lights outside drifted away as if the world had always been like this without Wu Lun's existence.

'You're a posthuman, so what can you even do?'

Lin Sanjiu buried her face deeply in her palms, thinking for a long time in place, but finally didn't call the police.

As a posthuman, she naturally distrusts the abilities of ordinary people. When something goes wrong, she prefers to solve it herself—but that's not the main reason.

How to call the police? Do you need a phone? After hearing Wu Lun's explanation, can she still use Han Jun's phone, who has already fled, to call the police? Even if no one discovers this, if the police really come to investigate, what would she be at that time? Legally, she doesn't exist in this world.

On the other hand, if another socially recognized person who knows Wu Lun reports it, they can call the police.

Thinking of this, Lin Sanjiu slowly raised her head.

Wu Lun has a legitimate job. If something really happened to her, her colleagues would realize something was wrong after she missed work and couldn't be contacted.

No, it won't work. It might take several days, and there's too much luck involved—her colleagues might think she suddenly returned to her hometown and quit without informing anyone. She works alone outside, and it might be too late when her mother at home realizes what has happened.

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