1319: Taxi Driver

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After that one text message, Lin Sanjiu waited until evening but did not receive a second message.

Hundreds of small advertisements had already been spread out. Wu Lun proposed paying people waiting for buses or subways twenty yuan each to post a few advertisements at their destination to broaden their reach. Some people might throw away the advertisements as soon as they got off the vehicle, but there would also be those who followed through. Even if only one out of ten people did it, the missing person flyer would still be higher.

Their division of labor was clear. While Lin Sanjiu continued posting the missing person flyers, Wu Lun conversed with people one by one. Dealing with ordinary people was not Lin Sanjiu's forte but Wu Lun's expertise.

However, every word in the missing person flyer Lin Sanjiu wrote could trigger a hundred doubts in an ordinary person's mind. As soon as the passengers touched the advertisements, all sorts of questions flooded in endlessly. Just dealing with them was enough to make one dizzy. Moreover, some people were intimidated by the Puppeteer photo, stuttering and unable to look away. Wu Lun had to comfort them patiently. By the time the sun was setting, she was exhausted.

"This is more tiring than a day of work." Wu Lun almost collapsed when she met Lin Sanjiu, supporting herself on Lin Sanjiu's arm and groaning, "Saving the world is really hard... Let me tell you, half of my exhaustion is because of your uncle's photo."

The missing persons notice was just meant to convey a message—that a posthuman was looking for another posthuman. The Puppeteer photo was only meant to grab people's attention immediately, so it had to be particularly impactful. Feeling apologetic, Lin Sanjiu suggested, "You should take the day off."

"I can't do that. There's no salary for saving the world."

"I'm trying to figure out how to make money, aren't I?"

Wu Lun laughed, obviously not taking it seriously. "Then I will resign after you find a way."

Lin Sanjiu sighed as they walked to the roadside to hail a taxi. With over a thousand one-hundred-yuan bills, even Wu Lun was willing to spend money on a taxi now.

"But this method is not a long-term solution," she said quietly. "Relying on just the two of us, the area we can cover is too limited. We can't even fully cover this city, let alone more. Moreover... who knows how long this number will be usable?"

According to Wu Lun, she couldn't obtain a new phone number without valid identification. She needed to submit an application and identification documents to get a new number and then go to the service center to confirm her identity in person. The phone bill had to be paid from a bank account under the same name as the person registering for the new number. Additionally, for the first year after registering the new number, there would be monthly follow-up calls to ensure that the number was still being used by the same person.

"Why are they so strict about just a communication tool?" Lin Sanjiu asked irritably.

A little puzzled, Wu Lun thought momentarily, then replied, "Being strict... might be to our advantage. It makes things safer."

To keep Wu Lun out of trouble, Lin Sanjiu didn't use her phone number. Therefore, Han Jun's number was the only one available. That text message was always lingering in her mind, ready to resurface at any moment.

Perhaps it wasn't just because she sympathized with Han Jun's wife.

Only three days had passed since the museum heist, but strangely, after that one breaking news headline, there had been no further media coverage or follow-up reports on the high-profile case involving many mysteries and significant sums of money. Not mentioning it in the news, people seemed to have forgotten about it, and even Wu Lun talked about it less—despite living under the same roof as the robber.

Doomsday Wonderland Vol. 11: Modern World [Complete]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora