Bound by Love and Duty

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In the dimly lit room, a figure writhed in pain, his body marked by numerous bruises. Confusion and fear clouded his mind as he questioned his assailants amidst tears.

"Why am I here? Why am I being beaten?"

he implored of a man standing nearby.

"You've committed a sin. The boss intends to end you,"

came the ominous reply.

"But what have I done?"

he pleaded once more.

"You've committed your gravest offense,"

declared Abhimanyu as he entered the room, his voice dripping with menace.

"Who are you?"

the boy inquired, trembling at Abhimanyu's presence.

"Trust me, you're better off not knowing,"

Abhimanyu retorted, his aura striking fear into the boy.

Seating himself nearby, Abhimanyu drew a cigarette from his pocket, its ember casting an eerie glow as he addressed the boy's transgressions.

"You laid hands on her," Abhimanyu growled, his voice low and menacing. "You dared to touch the girl who has been mine, untouched, for nine years."

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER" he shouted and picked him up by his collar and slapped him hard

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't do anything," the boy stammered, tears mingling with his pain.

He exclaimed, his voice rising with indignation, 'You dare claim innocence after laying hands on my possessions? You violated my belongings, and now you deny any wrongdoing?"

Abhimanyu roared, administering another punishing slap.

"Listen, kid, provoke me no further, or your life will be forfeit," Abhimanyu warned, barely containing his rage. "Stay away from Riddhima. Cross me again, and you'll face dire consequences."

"I'm sorry, I'll not approach her again,"

the young man expressed, his words tinged with deep anguish.

"Very well, I shall depart this time, under the assumption that you were once her friend and cared for her. However, there is no obligation for you to continue caring for her.

I am perfectly capable of handling the situation on my own. But be warned, should such an incident occur again, the repercussions will be dire," he asserted before exiting the room.

Abhimanyu left the room, the boy was left trembling, vowing never to return to the college where such danger lurked.


As Riddhima stepped into the cozy confines of the living room, she greeted her mother with an eager, "Hi Mumma, when did you arrive?"

"Just a short while ago. What have you been up to?" her mother inquired, her tone filled with gentle curiosity.

"Nothing much, Mumma. Just working on my assignments,"

Riddhima replied, her voice carrying a hint of weariness.

Observing her daughter's demeanor, her mother couldn't help but notice the lingering sadness that seemed to weigh heavily upon Riddhima's shoulders, manifesting in her subdued demeanor and sparse conversation.

"Sweetheart, what's troubling you? You seem rather downcast. Has something happened, or has someone said something to upset you?"

her mother inquired, her concern evident in her voice.

In that moment, Riddhima realized it was the opportune time to confide in her mother about Aarav, believing that transparency would mend any rift between them. "Mumma, I need to discuss something with you,"

she expressed with a hint of hesitation.

"Yes, dear. Go ahead, I'm all ears,"

her mother responded, poised to lend her undivided attention.

"Mumma, I'm..." Riddhima's revelation was interrupted by the melodious chime of her mother's phone.

"Just a moment, Riddhi. I need to take this call,"

her mother interjected, swiftly attending to the incoming communication.

"Hello," her mother greeted upon answering the call, her expression brightening with each word exchanged. "Oh, wonderful news! I'm thrilled to hear that. We can commence work on the project starting Monday. Excellent! Thank you ever so much,"

she exclaimed before terminating the call.

Riddhima's gaze fixated on her mother, who radiated an aura of unparalleled joy, a rarity that had eluded her for an extended period. It was evident that a long-held aspiration had finally come to fruition.

"Riddhima, my dear, today fills my heart with unparalleled joy," her mother exclaimed, brimming with excitement.

Inquisitive, Riddhima queried, "What's brought about this happiness, Mumma?"

"The project I've been endeavoring to secure with a certain company for the past three years has finally come to fruition,"

her mother disclosed, her eyes gleaming with pride.

Overwhelmed with pride and happiness, Riddhima enveloped her mother in a warm embrace, expressing, "Congratulations, Momma! This achievement is truly remarkable."

"Thank you, my dear. Riddhima, there's something I wish to discuss with you as well,"

her mother disclosed, her tone becoming earnest.

"Yes, Mumma, please go ahead,"

Riddhima responded, her voice exuding warmth.

"Listen, Riddhi, I'm deeply concerned about your future. I don't wish for you to endure the same trials as Janvi. Though she appears content, I perceive the struggles beneath her facade, despite her reluctance to acknowledge them.I opposed her marriage to Rahul vehemently, yet her obstinacy prevailed,"

her mother lamented, gently cradling Riddhima's face in her hands.

Anxiety gnawed at Riddhima as she awaited her mother's next words, unaware of the impending discussion topic.

"There's one thing I want you to promise me,"

her mother solemnly requested.

"What  promise, Mumma?"

Riddhima inquired, her curiosity tinged with trepidation

"Riddhima, I recognize your steadfast determination and dedication. You've yet to entangle yourself in matters of the heart, nor do you entertain any romantic affiliations. Thus, I implore you to vow that you will only marry the individual of my choosing,"

her mother beseeched, her touch tender against Riddhima's cheek.

Riddhima recoiled in shock, her mind whirling with conflicting emotions. "Aarav was right. I should have informed Mumma about him,"

she lamented silently, her thoughts in disarray.

Before she could gather her thoughts, her mother's voice interrupted her inner turmoil. "Can't you do this for me? I only want to ensure your future.

I don't know how long I'll be here, and all I want is someone to care for you after I'm gone. I would never make a decision that would harm you,"

her mother pleaded emotionally.

"Mumma, please don't say that. Nothing will happen to you,"

Riddhima protested, wiping away her tears.

Riddhima cherished her mother more than anyone else, willing to do anything to make her happy.

But she also harbored feelings for Aarav, complicating her decision-making process. She found herself torn between her love for her mother and her affection for Aarav, unsure of what path to take.

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