Someone I was once scared of

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They say you find butterflies in people

Whom you least excepted to find anything in

I never believed it

I found love in my partner and trust in my friends

And a family that held me dearly

I had everything

Until you came in and taught me

How I had everything in me but you

You didn't felt like home to me

But instead something I had no words for

It's funny to think

I was scared of you once in a long time ago

And how amazing to think

That I can't go a day without thinking of you

It's pretty and childish too

You were more than just a friend but less than a lover

You were more than a therapist but less than a mother

We never fought like siblings do

But I found a sister in you

We were the same like two peas in a pod

When different meant all the same to me

We had it all the same except parents

But I don't mind

As long as I get to have the vibe as before

Trust me you are a pretty soul

You gained my trust after all

Dead Souls She Ones Loved [Words I Kept Under My Pillow]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon