1309: Money Is Hard to Earn, Shit Is Hard to Swallow.

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[Full Title] 1309: Money Is Hard to Earn, Shit Is Hard to Swallow. These Words of Wisdom, Let Us Be Encouraged Together

When Wu Lun woke up, the first thing she saw was the floor covered with old newspapers. The tea table, sofa, and TV were gone, and her small bed had become a flat boat floating in a sea of old newspapers. Lin Sanjiu sat in the middle of the newspaper sea, scanning the newspapers.

"Good morning."

"W-Where's my furniture?" the beauty advisor said, jumping up. "Those belong to the landlord! If they're gone, I'll have to compensate!"

"I stored them in my card inventory," Lin Sanjiu said without lifting her head; she extended her arm, and suddenly, a tea table fell from her palm. She casually patted it, and the tea table disappeared again. "They're not lost, don't worry. I just needed some space."

Wu Lun stuttered for a minute because she couldn't rationalize what she was seeing, even searching under the bed as if she could find the missing tea table under the bed.

"You're right, strange news occasionally pops up," Lin Sanjiu said, "but... no news is this extraordinary."

"Your magic is getting better," Wu Lun said, seeming to voluntarily block out the phenomena she couldn't explain. Her thoughts turned to the newspaper, and she replied, "I told you, none of this is strange."

Lin Sanjiu looked at the newspaper in her hand again.

In a city in the neighboring province, an unidentified person occupied a residential area. He brainwashed a whole community of residents with some so-called magic, secretly forming a cult-like organization venerating him as 'Lord Leader.' After running underground for over half a year, the organization was successfully raided by local police who had long been deployed. The mastermind and other suspects were arrested.

If this mastermind was really a posthuman, he would be the most embarrassing posthuman Lin Sanjiu had ever seen.

Moreover, this report was published in a newspaper three months ago.

There was also a piece of news, not exactly newsworthy. A charity organization posted a notice saying they had recently taken in a delusional schizophrenic patient, suspected to have just escaped from somewhere, with no identification documents on them. The patient claimed that the world was going to end doomsday soon, and demanded people listen to him and assist him. Lin Sanjiu was intrigued for a moment, thinking she had finally found a clue to other posthumans until she read, 'the patient had great strength from birth, requiring three male attendants to restrain,' which dashed her hopes. Unless newly evolved and poorly powered, no posthuman would be subdued by just three ordinary people.

All the oddities she could find were similar to these news items; as Wu Lun said, society had all sorts of people, and occasionally, one or two of these things happened.

With that, she could rule out the possibility of posthumans arriving in this world long ago. It seemed that Anida wasn't a posthuman.

The biggest possibility left was that posthumans would appear in large numbers soon; perhaps they had already arrived. Would others make any noise? Surely they wouldn't all be as docile as her, would they?

Just like when she appeared on the street dripping wet, when other posthumans were teleported, they would surely cause some disturbances. Perhaps these disturbances were too minor. She searched through the recent newspapers and found no similar reports—without the internet, there were no firsthand witness reports, and people could only passively receive news filtered by various organizations.

There seemed no other way; she could only prepare for doomsday while waiting for other posthumans to appear. Moreover, during this time, she could practice her Higher Consciousness more and see what was wrong with Mrs. Manas.

Doomsday Wonderland Vol. 11: Modern World [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now