The age to

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It's not always your fault

Somehow I don't know why

But at the end you are always at fault

I begged myself to believe that you were innocent

But you always proved me wrong

It feels strange

It feels weird

Cause after all this time

I thought I wanted this but no I did not

It wasn't the age it wasn't the time for me

I wasn't mature enough for any of this

You wanted more and I was scared Scared of not being enough

Not doing enough

Scared of disappointing you

I don't even know how I feel

You wanted it intimating while I wanted it sweet and soft

And I couldn't give you what you wanted

You didn't understand what I wanted

We are both young trying our best at love

But is it really the age to love?

You might call me old fashioned or boring

This isn't the time for any of this

Trying our best at something we shouldn't even be doing

We are teens after all

Not grown ups nor a kid anymore

Hanging somewhere in between

Stuck and broken in heart

Dead Souls She Ones Loved [Words I Kept Under My Pillow]Where stories live. Discover now