I tried

9 3 0

This doesn't feels right

I have never done this before

Lying and sinking out with people I don't know

It feels wrong but right at same time

When will you live your teenage dream?

But is this really the dream I imagined myself to live in

The mood and age don't match

I want to grow I want to learn

But not something like this

I have dreams to chase and marathons to race

Not this, never this

My mom hates you and I should have listen to her

She was always right

It feels wrong

Cause I have never felt this before

I am not ruined like you are

I am still innocent but I am losing it cause of you

Should we end this?

I might want to

But then I don't want to be called the bad person anymore

You are popular so I know

If I left I will be bullied

"Was it really just for attention?"

Now I know why you are left heartbroken all the time

And why I hit you last night

You over love and people leave

You are too much and I am trying not to be less

You are something more than I can imagine

While I am something you could never imagine

Dead Souls She Ones Loved [Words I Kept Under My Pillow]Where stories live. Discover now