Treat her right

9 4 0

Cause even when she is in your arms

Her soul is somewhere else

Thinking of somebody else

Or when will the clock hit 10

She might want to go home

And not to you

Her soul always stayed somewhere else

Even when she is with it

It doesn't really matter

It's not always-

"Maybe she found someone better"

She wanted you to be better for her

But you didn't put the efforts in

Maybe it's you not treating her right

She didn't did it for love

But left for herself

Her peace which she didn't find in you

She could have stayed if she did

She would have been heartbroken

She didn't left you heartbroken

She didn't left you hanging

She didn't left you at all

It's your fault for not treating her the way she deservers

Dead Souls She Ones Loved [Words I Kept Under My Pillow]Where stories live. Discover now