A million times

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I loved you a million times

In a million life times

And I found myself falling and falling for you

In every single one of them

I died and still my soul belonged to you

But I guess you didn't felt the same

You never looked at me in any of the million times

You loved someone else in all of your million lives

While I didn't looked at anyone but you

You smiled and laughed and I fell

But what if it wasn't always someone else

What if you looked at me as well?

Did you?

I noticed you looking at someone else always

But I guess I failed to notice you looking at me

Or I just couldn't believe that you could love me too

I guess you loved me but I refused to believe to

I brought you flowers

And saw them in the trash

But I didn't knew you kept one

Throwing everything else

Dead Souls She Ones Loved [Words I Kept Under My Pillow]Where stories live. Discover now