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Yes I maybe a writer

But I am not the type to let anyone look at the characters i build for time

Dancing with the night sky, the moon smiling at them so in love

They danced, they fought, they laughed, they cried and fell apart The enemies hating each other and then suddenly falling in love

They never really cared about the outer world like we did

They were not meant for the reality that we created

They fought with dragons and witches saving lives

The dragons and witches, they too have lives don't they?

They weren't real but a fragment of their imagination Like we are for them

We writers create, destroy and heal them all over again I know we are guilty for making them suffer

We left pieces of us in them

Making us feel the same way they did

I loved how they knew they weren't just a fragment of my imagination

But the whole dame story

Dead Souls She Ones Loved [Words I Kept Under My Pillow]Where stories live. Discover now