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She was so unrealistic, so filled with fantasy.

She fell in love with herself.

She lived in the world full of creatures we didn't know about.

She loves poems, heavy feeling and emotions.

She hates feeling nothing she wants to feel something at all times, even if it cuts her into pieces she doesn't recognise.

She falls in love with stories and words that take her into an entire new world.

She had stars for light and moon to guide. She was the girl of the sun and daughter of the moon.

She cried and begged for better days to come but never gave up.

She thought to cut herself into pieces like paper but never really did.

She didn't hate herself like many did.

She was the soul of butterflies who promised to take her somewhere faraway when she died.

She hates getting bored; she longed to do something at all time even if it costs her, her life.

She doesn't care, how long her hair is or if she is tall enough to dance.

She loved adventures never stayed in place for long.

She knew she was something more than just a girl, something more than just long hair and long legs.

She never cared about how she looked because she knew she was beautiful.

She read stories and wanted to jump into the new found world.

She wasn't made for the world he created, she was something special and at every time into a new world, she entered and lost herself among the new found colours.

Dead Souls She Ones Loved [Words I Kept Under My Pillow]Where stories live. Discover now