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I hate myself, I hate my mind

That constantly compares me with stuff I don't know the meaning behind

It wants me to be perfect like those models and geniuses we see on TVs It whispers unknown voices in my ears forcing me to apply more makeup

It makes me want to look pretty all the time

The voices will eat me up someday

I begged, I begged for them to stop

To not torment my mind, my soul

Making me a slave to their words

They told me I looked fat so I stopped eating for days

They told me I looked too skinny so I ate and ate and ate

They told me I looked ugly so I applied more makeup and dressed up to look pretty

I knew it wasn't my mind that whispered but the people around me did

My mind doesn't hate me but people around me do

Dead Souls She Ones Loved [Words I Kept Under My Pillow]Where stories live. Discover now