As if you

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I liked the stars and moon more then the sun and the sunset

I smiled at the moon more then I ever did to myself

She looks beautiful sometimes blinding

She makes me want to talk about you more while she tells me about her sun

The stars stand by her side, listening to us talk

We talked all night, she tells me how she fell in love with the sun while I told her I am not ready to fall

My eyes felt heavy making her smile, she told me to go sleep but I smiled back and said not yet

Not until she is done

I want know how they met, how she fall in love and what did he say in return

Only special people receive back the love they give

Not people like me not people like you

But people who thought they couldn't be loved,

They thought they were unlovable but somehow found the one who actually loved them

I smiled everytime I looked up at the sky and found her again

Sometimes hidden, sometimes blinding sometimes incomplete but still beautiful

The stars aren't her beauty nor is her shine but her marks the hips and dips on her skin

She is adored because of her marks and not because of how shined

That's what I think

Different people have different perspectives of what the moon means to them or how they love the moon

But for me its always been the scars, the dots and the freckles that she tries so hard to hide

That's why I find her beauty

She isn't ashamed of her marks like I am

Dead Souls She Ones Loved [Words I Kept Under My Pillow]Where stories live. Discover now