Only if you were real

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A poet writes poems like a writer writes stories

They are always a million times apart but still the same

A poet has a million words to say so does a writer

But they can never really say instead they write till they can't breathe again

They wished, they dreamed of a world far from the reality they live in Their imagination can't be understood by all but only by some

Who have been to the untouchable world once

People call them crazy some maniac who can't really do anything but starve

Yes they do starve; they crave for the love they write between the characters

They wanted the same love, chemistry and events to unfold in their own life

But no one to love, no one really understands the type of love they craved for

They leave parts of themselves in the form of characters or poems they cannot complete

They leave themselves incomplete like their characters so that they don't feel alone

They feel, they create a new reality, where nobody can find them

Dead Souls She Ones Loved [Words I Kept Under My Pillow]Where stories live. Discover now