Guardian of Laughter

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A 12-year-old girl named Riddhima and a 16-year-old boy named Abhi walked together to school

Their friendship evident in their easy camaraderie.

Suddenly, another friend, Veer, joined them, playfully placing his hand on Riddhima's shoulder, startling her.

"Veer, why do you always have to startle her?"

Abhi asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"What's your problem, Abhi? Can't I have a little fun?"

Veer retorted, rolling his eyes.

"It's not about fun; you always scare her. Look at her face,"

Abhi replied, his irritation growing.

"Ah, lighten up! She looks funny when she's scared,"

Veer chuckled, darting ahead through the school gate.

"You look like a clown all the time,"

Riddhima quipped after him.

Abhi, the studious and focused one, always had a watchful eye over Riddhima, his protective nature stemming from a deep-rooted care for his friend. Veer, on the other hand, brought a sense of mischief and spontaneity to their trio, often leading them into amusing situations that never failed to bring a smile to Riddhima's face.

As they entered the school premises, they headed towards their respective classes. Abhi turned to Riddhima with a serious tone, "Go to your class, clear all your doubts with the teacher, and then we'll discuss your upcoming science test in the evening. Now, off you go."

Riddhima nodded obediently, offering a small smile before making her way to her classroom.

Despite being in the sixth grade, Riddhima struggled with her studies, often finding it hard to grasp the concepts taught in class. Recognizing her difficulties, Abhi took it upon himself to help her improve her grades.


During her class break, Riddhima was approached by her friend Tanvi, who excitedly shared news about a new Chowmin vendor near the school.

"Sorry, Tanvi, I have a study session with Abhi this evening. He'll scold me if I skip it,"

Riddhima explained apologetically.

"He's like the villain of our friendship sometimes,"

Tanvi sighed, feeling a tad annoyed.


Later, Veer tried to distract Abhi from his studies, but Abhi remained focused, brushing off Veer's attempts with irritation. Unlike Veer, Abhi was determined to excel academically and had little interest in romantic pursuits.

"Stop irritating me Veer If you don't want to study then don't  but leave me alone I'm not interested in anyone"

His voice Showing irritation

"You are too boring you are going to class 11th, so many girls are interested in you but look at you never interested in anyone"

Veer said while rolling his eyes

"Yeah I'm boring now get lost from here"

Abhi was annoyed by him


As they sat under the shade of a large tree, books and notes scattered around them, Abhi diligently explained the complexities of science to Riddhima.

Despite his serious demeanor, Riddhima's infectious laughter filled the air, causing Abhi to momentarily forget his role as a teacher and instead be captivated by her genuine joy.

"Why are you laughing all the time? Am I that amusing?"

Abhi asked, puzzled by her constant giggles.

"No, no, you misunderstand. I'm not laughing at you; you just make me smile because you're so cute,"

Riddhima confessed shyly.

Abhi was taken aback by her words, his cheeks flushing slightly. "Stop talking nonsense and focus on your studies,"

he replied, unable to meet her gaze, inwardly flustered by her unexpected compliment.

So, amidst their studies and banter, the trio of Abhi, Veer, and Riddhima navigated the complexities of friendship and adolescence,

Their bonds growing stronger with each passing day.

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