Dame what happened to me?

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I worry that I might not get what I desire and its not just you but me

I worry that I might not get me, the one who stood by my side as everybody left

I hope I find something realistic but fantastic at the same time

I hope I don't let the monsters under my bed take all over me

Monsters belong in book and fantasy not in real life

But monsters are created not born at the end of the day and people are made into, created into creatures they could never find themselves in

I hope I don't find any of those creatures tonight

I can't help but worry, what if I loss myself tonight to those monsters under my bed

Dame I used to love those monsters when I was young

Mother warned me not to look but I looked anyway and found comfort in their eyes

Believe me or not but those monsters became my friends be it unrealistic or fantasy I do not know

But I still cared about those monsters when I hit my 20s or more

I loved those monsters at some point not knowing they were burning scars into my skin

While a version me stood by my side and smiled drawing circles around my scars turning them into moons

I never knew I could get the moon let alone this many

This time it wasn't you who promised me stars but myself who gifted me moons

I cried but promised myself to never look at you again

This might seem like an eclipse of the moon and the sun but I really am gone this time

This isn't me anymore a newer a better version of me

I hope I do not see you again, not in painting not in words but in memories instead

I will see you soon or I might not but I do not care

Who knows I can do it or maybe not

Dead Souls She Ones Loved [Words I Kept Under My Pillow]Where stories live. Discover now