Is it me? or has it always been you?

18 2 0

You wished for us to be together I did too but maybe it was wrong for us to dream let alone wish

I wished I dreamed of us together in every moment I get but you do know we don't get the privilege to

I know you won't let me be hurt but I can't help but fall in every step I took

do you think I don't want to? I would die to be safe wrapped tightly in your arms but I can't

I can't for I dreamed I could but I can't wish let alone dream

I'm hurt to the point the word itself sould negative to me but not reflecting what I feel at all

The word hurt sounds cute and too positive compared to what I feel but not at all what I actually feel

I wanted you on the giant wheel with me last night it looked so amazing making me forget to breath for a second

I wanted you to hold my hand and not me holding the iron rod tight so that I do not fall

Did you still thought of me when you sleep or have you forgotten about me entirely 

If you do I do not blame you infact I am happy that you have another reason to smile in the world

Instead of crying at the loss of me

I do miss you but I think its better this way so that you nor I would be sad

So you should smile and wave at me so I can leave and maybe never return

Dead Souls She Ones Loved [Words I Kept Under My Pillow]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz