Why Altamash?

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Roshini POV

"What ar-ee yo-o-u doing Altamash? Why are you--?" Even before I could complete my sentence, I was in his embrace. He smelled like mountains, calm and relaxing. He tightened his grip around my waist and pinned me against the wall next to the window. My heart was poundind and was ready to jump out of my chest as he slowly tugged baby my hair behind my ear.

"You are really careless Roshni, can't you see there are pieces of broken glass there" he said pointing towards the ground. Our faces were inches away and our eyes were lost in each other. I always felt language of eyes is over-rated but hell No, it's not. I felt home in his arms and those eyes screamed that they belong to my heart. I wish time stops and I can capture this moment forever. 

To make things even worse or better, I don't know light went off. My brain was not braining anymore due the proximity and I hugged him. He didn't hug me in the beginging but feeling my trembling body against his, he rubbed his hand against my back and said, "Roshni, it's okay, I'm with you na, tenision mat lo generator on hojayega. Your name means light na, so you shouldn't get scared of darkness."

(Don't be tensed, the generator will be turned on soon)

 My grip tightened as he tried to pacify me, just then we heard the door open, "Roshane, Roshane! are you fine? I know you are scared of darkness! Roshni speak something dammit!" cried Mubraiz as tried to make his way through the dark room. His voice was a wake up call for me. What was I thinking just five minutes ago. I broke the hug and said, "Mubraiz, I'm fine. What happened to the light?"

"Overload ke vaje se" cried Mubraiz and the light came back. I was utterly embaressed to face Altamash but to my dismay he was no where to be found. Till the time I could comprehend what happened in that room, I found myself in embrace of Mubraiz. I didn't like it. It didn't feel right for some reason. With Altamash, it never felt wrong. Ya Allah, what's happening to me. 

(It's because of electricity overload)

And what happened next was not me at all, breaking the hug I uttered "Mubraiz, where is Altamash?" Mubraiz's face turned pale and looked shocked. 

"You know him for what, 2-3 hours and you--" he said as i cut him off and said," Arey, don't take me otherwise, he is our guest na" deep down I knew it was not true. What are you to me Altamash? And why does you presence effect me so much? Why does it feel right with you? Why Altamash, Why?

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