The world of Marsh Liam

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Crickets can be heard on the Marsh plane.

The queen of all Marsh dwellers. Spoke and gave a word.

I am queen Viktria. Descendant of King Vik. Hear me. Dwellers. She said.

The dwellers have risen and listened to their queen.

The queen addressed her nation.

We are now in the dark times.

The ravens have come to destroy our lands.

It is now the time of tribulation for all of us. The queen said.

Prepare for war!!!!! She added.

The ravens? One of the dwellers has spoken.

We thought the kings knight destroyed these pests. He said.

Not all my loyal companions. Not all was eliminated by my fathers knights. There were few that fled. They are now gathering for a war. We must be prepared and not be moved by the threat that is coming. We, as Marsh, are the most powerful beings in this land. We protect it at all costs. The queen said.

To battle my brothers and protect our queen. This land must not be destroyed by these vermins.

The loud cries of the dwellers were heard, and so they prepared for war.

The cavalry was busy.

When you looked at the Marsh. It was peaceful.

Not at these times.

Who are the ravens?

Are they birds as we knew them?

No, they are not.

The ravens are the weeds of the Marsh. They dominate every land before. They give thorns to lands, and no fruits bear the land when the ravens are at site.

The old kings tried to destroy them but failed.

Know it was Queen Viktria's time to lead the Marsh and stop the ravens on the damage they will cause to her kingdom.


On the ravens kingdom.

King Gok is dying and addressing his 3 wonderful sons. Duke, Marmaland, and Rave.

Listen to my children. It is now your time to destroy the land of the Marsh.

My fellow warriors, you have fought with me for a very long time. Listen to my children, and they will guide you to vic... vic.... vict.... the king died.

The 3 children of the king said.

Prepare for war.

We will conquer the Marsh and capture its queen. We will lay waste into their lands.

To battle!!!! To battle!!!! To battle!!!!

Their forge has set the fire to build their armoury and weaponry.

The both side are preparing for war.

Who would win the war of the marsh and the ravens.


Meanwhile, in a not distant location.

A new child was born. The midwife was surprised that the kid had a mark in his left arm.

The midwife said. What will become of this child.

I am blessed to see such a wonderful child. She added.

The child smiled, and a knight figure just stood at the side of the kid.

The midwife was scared.

The knight did not speak. Then disappeared.

What will become of this kid?

Will he be a hero in this story?

Will he stop the long-time war between the marsh and the ravens?

Join me in the new story of the century.

Open your mind and understand the world beyond our own.

Welcome to the Marsh, and I saga....

The Marsh and INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ