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creambbl.milooo started following you.

I stared at that same exact notification for what felt like forever.

Why did Milo follow me? How did he even get it? Should I follow him back? Would it be wrong not to follow him back?

A plethora of questions were swarming in my head and I needed answers.

I have to call Arianna. She would probably know more about how to deal with my situation than I did (a part of me wanted to call Kelly about it but knowing how stubborn I was, I wasn't going to).

I fixed myself up so I could call Arianna, hoping that she would answer the call.

But before I could call her, a knock was heard from my bedroom door.

I answered, "Who is it?"

"It's Gordan Ramsay," I heard my Dad's voice reply

"Come in," A smile crawling on my lips.

Dad entered, still in his suit for work, his peppered hair seeming more grey in the dark room. He leaned on the door frame, his arms and legs crossed.

"Hey, Evie, um, I just wanted to come up here and tell you that, I have someone special coming over tomorrow for breakfast,"

I nodded, "Okay."

I was too stressed to inquire more.

Dad looked at me with all seriousness, "And I want you to be nice. I know it might be difficult for you to do that in the morning but I need you and Boogie to be on your best behavior,"

"Geez, who's coming for breakfast, the president?" I murmured.

Dad snickered, "You could say that,"


"So he followed you?" Arianna voiced over the phone, some background smacking involved but I forced myself to ignore it.

I nodded, "I'm pretty sure,"

"Okay, um that could mean two things. He wants to fuck you or he thinks that in his small brain that you two are friends. Which please tell me you two aren't."

It sounded more of a statement than an answer.

Were we friends? Me and Milo being friends, now that would be hilarious. I would call us more like acquaintances but never  friends.

I don't even think he thinks of me like that.

I finally responded, "No, we are not friends."

"Okay, then he probably he wants to fuck. That's what he does with all his hookups, or that's what've been told." Arianna noted. '

I shifted my spot in my bed, "I'm not fucking Milo, Arianna."

I heard a small sigh on her end, "Well, no shit. Look, you don't even gotta follow him back, Eve. He'll probably get the message and unfollow you. Just don't overthink okay, like you always do,"

"I do not over-" I started.

"Then why the hell did you call me?"

She had a good point. Whenever I was overthinking about a situation I always ran to Kelly and Arianna, especially if it was things I had zero experience on. They always knew how to give me good answers and it kind of made me feel like a dweeb.

Not knowing these simple teen situations made me rethink what Mom said about me not living a teen life.


The next morning, Boogie woke me up at ten. If it weren't for him mentioning about Dad's guest coming over, I would've hit him.

I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face before scurrying down the stairs. Today I had forced myself to not think about Kelly, Milo or even Arianna. Just teen situations at that. I didn't need drama to intervene in my daily life.

I walked into the kitchen to see Dad making scrambled eggs in a pan. There was already plates of waffles, fresh fruit and bacon plated across from the kitchen in the dining room.

This was a surprise, concerning the fact that Dad didn't know how to cook. Like at all. There was this time where he burnt toast on a pan.

"Jeez, this must be one special guest," I mumbled, leaning against the kitchen counter behind him.

Dad looked back at me, taken aback from my presence, "Evelyn, there you are. I need you to help your brother put the glasses on the table,"

"Why me?" I groaned.

"'Cause unfortunately you're my daughter and you have to do as I say," He said, while mixing the eggs in the pan.

I sighed but eventually help Boogie with plating the dining room table.

"Who do you think it is?" Boogie asked me, while he placed a glass down.

I shrugged, "I don't know, maybe Grandma. We haven't seen her in a while,"

Boogie frowned, "It couldn't be Grandma. Dad said it was a special guest, and Grandma isn't a guest,"

I took a piece of bacon from a plate and took a bite, it tasted like charcoal. Before I could say anything, the doorbell rang.

Dad quickly handed me the plate of scrambled eggs to place on the table, "So how I look?"

I stared at him in his blue plaid shirt and black dress pants, his peppered hair semi-slicked back, and 'I love my Daddy!' apron around his waist that we got him for fathers day years ago.

At that moment I wanted to take a picture of him. I didn't care how he looked it just felt good to see Dad this happy, it was a memory I wanted to save forever.

"You look great besides the apron," I voiced

He looked down at his outfit, quickly snatching it off his body while running to the front door. I turned around to see Boogie, seated at the dining room, filling his plate with eggs and bacon.

I pointed to his plate, "Are you seriously going to eat that?'

He shrugged, "It's not that bad,"

I stifled a laugh before taking a seat right next to him. Seconds later, Dad entered with a younger woman at his side. She had brown hair styled in a afro that sat perfectly on her shoulders, light brownish eyes that I could only guess were hazel, she also had a relatively small septum piercing on her nose.

She wore a light green summer dress that showed her brown smooth skin. She was really pretty other than the bright matte lipstick on her lips.

"Hi, I'm Remy," She spoke, her voice light and sweet.

I got up from my seat and waved, "Hi, um, I'm Evelyn."

Boogie waved at her, "I'm Justin."

"It's nice to meet you, Evelyn and Justin, " She replied, a soft smile written on her lips.

Remy then took a seat across from us, Dad followed and sat down right next to her across from Boogie. Signaling to take a seat also.

Remy glanced between Boogie and I, "I've heard a lot about you two,"

Boogie voiced surprised, "Really? We haven't heard anything about you, Dad was trying to keep you a secret,"

Remy forced smiled, "Oh really?"

She looked as if she was trying to hide something.

Boogie nodded and opened his mouth to say something else, but Dad had stopped him.

"Actually you two, I have something to say," Dad accepted. Silence and anticipation dwelled into the room.

Dad scrunched his fist tightly on the table, "So, I know since the divorce every-things been...complicated and trust me I don't want to make it even more complicated, but things happen. Good things," He looks at Remy and smiles, "And one of those good things is me dating Remy,"

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