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After Mr. Wizz's annoucemnt  I ignored all Milo's comments. Whether it was rude or not. 

All day, my mind was stuck on first period. If I didn't go on the trip my grade could tank but if I did go with Milo's jerk ass it would rise. Either way it didn't seem fair. 

I decided to not speak much about the trip (especially the Milo part). Arianna and Kelly during lunch because I still wanted to play out the mysterious me for the rest of the day. 

The ride home with Kelly was pretty awkward too but I decided to let it play out like that, that was until I hopped out of her Jeep once she had parked outside Moms house. 

"Hey, Evelyn, um, I just wanted to make sure you were cool today? It seemed like you were kind of out of it, you know?" 

I shrugged on my backpack, "Yeah, I'm fine." 

I lied. 

Kelly nodded her head slowly still showing some concern.

"I'm okay, Kelly. For real, it's just- " I hesitated. 

At that moment, I wanted to tell Kelly how I felt. About not opening up to me, or telling me she had a special somebody in her life. That I wanted to be first to know and the first person to run to if she ever needed me.

"It's just I'm really tired, Kels. I'll call you later, yeah?"

Kelly responded, "Yeah, okay."

It was strange Kelly telling me how she felt about me, our friendship never even got to the point where we said platonic 'I love you's '  that whenever we ever said anything sappy it touched me, but for this instance it didn't. 

I nodded and shut the door to her car before walking up to the front door. 


That night, on the living room couch, I told Mom about the trip.

I thought I was going to get a lecture about not going but I was surprised enough hearing her say that I should leave and stay there an extra month.

"Why do you want me to leave?" I asked in response. 

Mom shrugged, "Evelyn, for as long as I've known you. You've never considered getting out of this house, let alone your bedroom," 

"I've left this house multiple times before," 

"Yeah to probably go to Kelly's, Arianna's or Dad's. Grans and Gramps occasionally, but that's not living life, Evie. You're sixteen, almost seventeen, and I haven't seen you leave this house to go to a party, a concert or like a rave. Okay, probably a rave is not a good idea but you're young, baby. Wouldn't you want to live like a teenager?" 

I never considered parties because I was either going to end up raped, pregnant, a smoker, or a druggie. Probably all of the above to be honest, but now hearing my own mother telling me my life is boring is like taking an arrow to the heart. 

Could my life be that boring?

I felt my moms warm hand gently grab mines, "Baby, all I'm trying to tell you is that live more, because trust me when you become my age you're going to regret it. Soon before you know it you're going to be thirty, wishing that you could go back. So just think about it okay?" 

She got up, kissed my forehead and went upstairs. 


Later that night, Dad picked both Boogie and I up from Moms. 

Two weeks at Moms and two weeks as Dads. That was the routine until I was eighteen, at first, I didn't really like the fact that my parents had to live in separate homes forty minutes away from each other. It just didn't feel right, until I noticed the small arguments they would have when they came to pick us up from each others houses. 

The conversations no longer sound as if they were in love. 

That love had slowly turned into something horrible. 

"So how do you two feel if we grab some food by McDonald's. I didn't really have time to cook tonight, I had a, erm, late office meeting." Dad spoke, his eyes looking at us through the rearview mirror. 

"Yeah!" Boogie exclaimed, his fists raised. 

Dad chuckled then his eyes shifted towards my direction, "Eve?" 

I never really noticed how dark blue his eyes were until now. I always knew Dad had blue eyes, I just haven't noticed how aged they looked until now. 

That's another con about having divorced parents, witnessing new things about them that you haven't noticed before. It was like you were missing out on seeing their changes.

"Yeah, that sounds nice." I whispered. 


Dad's house was a bit bigger than Moms, but less cozier and more modern. With spiral staircases, black and white granite countertops, and a pool that could probably equip eighty people in it. 

A pro tip though with divorced parents you had two different rooms. 

My room in Dad's was more spacious and had my pet fish: Winnie, in his little aquarium, bedside the bed. A t.v was placed across my bed and a bunch of posters of my favorite artists were all over the grey walls with some family pictures from a trip we had taken to Cancun. 

I was standing at the end, Dad had his arm on my shoulder and the other around Boogie. Mom was on the opposite of me, her hand on Boogie's shoulder, her smile almost looked...fake. 

A year before Mom and Dad were divorced, they had treated Boogie and I on a trip to Cancun during the school year. It had come out of nowhere, that I had half expected it to be a joke. We stayed there for two weeks,  going to the beach, scuba diving and enjoying each-others company. It was the most exciting two weeks of my life and probably the last time our family was ever this close. 

Now that I'm really thinking about it the trip to Cancun, was probably a decoy from what was actually going on in our lives.

Our parents love life.

I settled down on my bed and leaned back until my back felt the soft comforter. I sighed feeling some relief on my shoulders and back. 

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, I glanced at it and saw a notification from Instagram. 

creambbl.milooo started following you.

What the actual fu-

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