2. Isabella

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Rule number 1: don't mingle with popular guy of the school...

A year later, third year in university

Senior year. 1 year before graduation

Over the summer, I thankfully hadn’t seen him.

The hell ruler.

The black king

A ruler on his throne.

A devil in his hell..

His eyes are as gray as thick, prowling clouds in a thunderstorm. His eyes are like the fog on a winding road, blurring my vision and muddling my sense of direction.

It's been a  year since that scariest eye contact till to this date and I have never been the same. I have caught him many times staring in my direction with those predators eyes. He looks at me like I am a prey and he will hunt me.I can sense his presence lingering in the shadows. I can feel his eyes on me like a weight, his unseen presence a constant reminder of the danger that lurks just out of sight.

Everyone knows his name - the infamous, who's features are like a models used in my uncle's magazines. With his perfectly styled jet black hair and grey smokey eyes, he exudes an aura of power that is impossible to resist.

His chiselled jawline and well-built body make every girl in the school swoon. He moves with the grace of a predator, effortlessly commanding attention wherever he goes. It's as if he rules the school with an iron fist, his presence alone enough to make even the teachers tremble in fear.

Girls drool over him, unable to resist his dark aura and charisma. They clamour for his attention, desperate to be noticed by the enigmatic boy who seems to hold the key to their wildest fantasies. And yet, he remains unattainable, a mysterious figure that everyone admires from afar but can never quite reach.

He is the epitome of everything that is desirable, a larger-than-life figure that leaves a trail of broken hearts in his wake. And as he continues to walk through the halls, surrounded by adoring admirers, it's clear that he is the undisputed king of the school - a reputation that he wears with pride.

Being the son of chairman gives him power to make anyone bow before him or even make them fall at his feet.

If I had discovered English, I would have used Xaden instead of word bully. Yes bully-from my point of view. But for people around me, he is like a god with that Greek angel features with dark evil soul.

As I am walking through this light busy corridor of the school while gripping my cell phone firmly in my hands scrolling through it. My fingers stopped at his Instagram. I am not a stalker, but you know human curiosity, so I just decided to go through his Instagram account and take a minor look at his post, just minor, not completely going into it.

He has a captivating Instagram feed that is the envy of all his peers. His posts exude luxury and sophistication, showcasing his lavish lifestyle and love for all things extravagant.

One of his recent posts features him lounging by the pool at his family's mansion, a glass of champagne in one hand and a chess board in the other. The caption reads, "Just another day” #CheckMate #LivingTheDream."

One of his last night post features 4k riding their bikes at midnight having fun and chilling with caption saying “night riders”

As I scroll through his Instagram I look at his post with his group -4K- 4 Kings of this entire school. 4 shitty hot guys who think that they can manipulate everyone -but not me. Like everyone I am not gonna fall in their damn shitty trap. They exude nothing but their rich life and luxury, and their messy bank accounts.

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