Subject A1 and A2

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A blinding flash swept through the room.

It was full of pizza boxes and blue cookie crumbs.

Then it zoomed on subject A1.

He had ocean green eyes and dark hair.

Subject A1 also known as Percy Jackson.

Then it zoomed on subject A2.

She had dark gray eyes and blond hair.

Subject A2 also known as Annabeth Chase.

They were running away from a creature.

It was dark and hairy and big.

It was Arachne.

A spider.

Subjects A1 and A2 were running.

Running to the light that showered through the gap ahead.

But Arachne closed in.

"Percy! We can't make it!" 

"I know we can't Annabeth. Just kill her! Use the cap!"

Annabeth reached in her bag and pulled out her yankees cap.

"I hope this works Percy! Just...Just don't die!"

Annabeth disappeared.

Percy kept on going.

Arachne was closing in

'That spider woman is giving me the creeps'

Percy still ran on and on.


'Annabeth! She must have..!'

Percy looked back.

Instead of seeing Annabeth, he saw a big ball of light.

Arachne was shocked but she quickly recovered. 

Percy had no idea what to do.

Then the light swallowed him.

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