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I woke up that night to go pee.

I had drunk too much Mountain Dew the past few hours, and I was starting to regret it. I quietly slithered out of the warm bedsheets, and luckily for myself (since I slept in the middle), an empty space where Kelly's body once laid was open.

I crept out of the room, trying to not make noise for a snoring Arianna, and quietly shut the door behind me. It was pretty easy, since Arianna was a heavy sleeper and could probably sleep through a tornado. I had finally made it to the hallway bathroom, after walking on my tiptoes for what felt like forever. I was about to open the door when I saw some light shedding underneath the door gap and quickly snatched my hand away from the door handle.

Before I could leave, to go back to the bedroom and wait until the bathroom wasn't preoccupied, I heard whispers coming from the other side.

To be honest, I'm not the nosiest person alive, but if I had to do this to distract myself from pissing on myself, then so be it.

The voice was low, but I single-handedly knew it was Kelly.

"You know, I can't do that. I'm at a friend's house for the night," Kelly murmured. She sounded irritated.

A stretch of silence was followed before Kelly answered, "I know, baby. I'm sorry and I'll try to make it up to you,"


When the fuck did Kelly have a 'baby'? Last time I checked, Kelly never introduced us to anyone she was exclusive with. Now that I'm really thinking about it, she never really talked about her dating life. It kind-of hurt me a bit, knowing that my closest friend since elementary school didn't trust me enough to tell me about her dating life.

Before I could fathom the information, the bathroom door opened and revealed an alarmed Kelly.

"Evelyn, what the fuck are you doing?!" She raised her tone.

I too, was also slightly stunned but I tried to keep a stoic face, "I just needed to used the bathroom,"

Kelly nervously rubbed her chest, "You couldn't have knocked?"

"No, I waited like the nice friend I am," I seethed the word 'friend'.

Kelly didn't get the hint, unluckily, "Um, okay?"

I waited for her to step out to make my way in, but before I could close the door in her face I was stopped, "Evelyn, did you...hear anything?"

I fought myself to resist saying yes because I wanted her to confess, but then that would make it a million times worse, because that means I'm forcing it out of her instead of her trusting me and coming to me about it.

"No," I heard myself voice, feeling a bit defeated.

Kelly gave me a small smile with a satisfied nod, "Cool."

It was in fact, not cool.


Kelly drove us to school that morning. I was too tired to engage in their ongoing banter about the last episode of Young Sheldon. The rest of last night all I was thinking about was Kelly and her stupid significant other, and why she couldn't have trusted me.

Out of all the people. Me? Her best friend?

The bang of Kelly's Jeep door took me out of thought, we were at school. I had resisted to not saying anything to Kelly, while walking towards the building. I knew it wouldn't good even if I mentioned it lightly.

"Evelyn? Earth to Evie?" I heard Kelly swipe her hand in my face.

I turned my face towards her, "Yeah,"

Kelly's face twisted to concern, "You haven't said anything all morning. We were wondering if you were alright,"

"Yeah. I'm fine, just a headache," I voiced.

Kelly slowly nodded, her eyes portraying suspicion, "Okay,"

Thankfully, the bell had finally rung which led all of us to say our goodbyes and go to our designated classes.

While walking to class, I forced myself not to think about the situation with Kelly. It wasn't good for my mental.

I had walked into first and found no other than, Milo, sitting in his desk which happened to be next to mine. He was on his phone scrolling on his phone, his face reflecting his indifference.

I found that today he had looked sort of decent. He was wearing a pair of black baggy jeans, a grey hoodie, with a grey puffer jacket on top. It seemed to me that Milo also never cared about his hair because it always looked a mess, but somehow in a good way.

I settled down in my seat and took out my materials that I needed for the class.

"You know, you've never changed since elementary," I heard Milo start.

I straightened a mechanical pencil on my desk, "What do you mean?"

"You always had this weird way of  wanting everything to be perfect."

"No, I do not." I argued.

Milo chuckled, "Yes, you do. Oh, remember in Mrs. Olivers class, during snack time you're Animal Cracker slipped off the paper towel and on the floor and you whined about it, for like thirty minutes, because you couldn't eat it anymore,"

I stared at him blankly, "No, I don't remember and if I did do that good for me because at least I was the only one who knew of the roach shit on the ground,"

"See, perfectionist," He whispered in my ear as Mr. Wizz entered the classroom.

Before I could argue back Mr. Wizz had began talking, "Good morning students, I hope everyone is doing well because I have some exciting news. Drumroll please,"

Majority of the class started banging on their desks, excluding Milo and I.

"We are going on a trip to Greece!"

The room started filling with excited chatter from my classmates. I didn't even think the school had a budget for that.

"This trip is worth 25% of your grade and that's not the only exciting thing, this will be a duo abroad trip so this will involve a partner.  Unfortunately, the school has gone strict this year after the many incidents so no choosing of partners." His eyes glanced in Milo's direction. Milo seemed not bothered.

"Luckily, the science teachers and I have discussed a more open option and instead your partner will be the person who is seated next to you,"

Next to me?

The only person who sat next me was...oh.

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