Chapter 5

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JORDYN WAS SITTING IN THE passenger seat, leaned back slightly as she looked down at her phone. The radio playing softly as RBS Intro, By Kevin Gates sounded off on the speakers, the beat slightly booming as it played on low volume.

"You ate?" Was the first thing Kameron said to her since they exchanged their 'hello's'. She was pulling up her address on her phone, placing it by the gear shift so he can know where he's going— the drive being thirty five minutes.

"No." She stated.

"Where do you want food from?"

"Doesn't matter." She replies, not really having anything to say. Mainly because she didn't expect him to ask her anything about food. Kameron suggested Wendy's and she replied with "That's cool." She hated for how dry she was being.

It's not like she didn't want to say anything, because she did, however, it seemed like once she got in, smelling the whiff of his cologne and admiring his features, she couldn't help but catch butterflies in her stomach.

Something she hasn't had since she first got with Derrick.

Despite being captivated by his looks and scent, she didn't feel like sitting in silence any longer, wanting to spark up a conversation, mainly just to hear his voice, she speaks up. "You know you didn't have to pick me up if you were busy, I could've waited."

"I told you to text me if you needed anything, phat. I got you." He said, not taking his eyes off the road.

Thinking that he wasn't really paying attention, she stares at him for a while, admiring how he looked driving. He only had one hand on the steering wheel and he was leaned back in his seat, his right arm leaning on the armrest.

"Why do you call me that?" She asks, bringing up the nickname that he called her the first time they texted. Hearing the name come out of his mouth sounded nice, and honestly, she hate to say it, but she wanted to hear him call her that more often.

"It suits you."

"If you say so." She says, looking out the window, her phone vibrates, and she sees it's a text from Cy. Clicking on it, she sees that it's a long paragraph from her, slightly groaning, she swipes out of the app, locking her phone.

She didn't need a lecture right now, seriously.

"So what were you doing before this?" She says, sparking up the conversation again, a part of her was cringing about how desperate she seemed, but she really didn't want to sit in silence, and she so badly wanted to hear him keep talking.

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