[ 028 ] a blaze of glory.

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           "WHAT THE EVER LIVING FUCK, SHAUNA?" Bellowed the stomping Taissa Turner as she raced towards the crouched down Shauna

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           "WHAT THE EVER LIVING FUCK, SHAUNA?" Bellowed the stomping Taissa Turner as she raced towards the crouched down Shauna. Her hand gripped tightly to the girl as she yanked hard and whipped Shauna to her feet in an instant. Her eyes blazed with pure fury and concern.

           Everyone that had been outside was quickly ripped away from their tasks by the outburst of emotion from Taissa as she stared down the Shipman girl.

            "Hey!" Lottie yelled out while rushing to Shauna's side, using all of her strength to push Taissa away from the feeble looking brunette.

            Taissa had to fight off the calming hands of her girlfriend who tried to pry her away from the altercation before it got worse. "Did you know about this? Have you been encouraging her?" She angrily accused the Matthews girl.

            She couldn't believe it. What she'd seen was all kinds of fucked up and if Lottie had been encouraging this incredibly unhealthy behaviour for the already mentally unwell from grief Shauna, there was no telling what Taissa would be willing to do.

            Those who had been inside during the beginning of the yells quickly made their way out, their brows furrowed in confusion. Akilah stepped up alongside Nola as she worryingly called out, "What's going on?"

            "What is happening?" Van then asked Taissa, who had seemingly released an outburst of emotion out of the blue. No one knew what was so wrong or what Shauna had done that wound Taissa up so much.

            Taissa refused to back down. This had to stop! "Fucking told you that it wasn't okay! I knew it wasn't alright." She viciously snapped at Lottie, who continued to place herself in between Taissa and Shauna, batting her hands and pushing her away anytime the Turner girl got too close.


            Frantic, heavy pants filled the air. Van's hands fell to her sides as her intrigue grew. Taissa glanced back briefly at the those who stood by the cabin door before returning her gaze to Shauna. "Go on, Shauna, tell them." She sardonically stated to the doe eyed girl. "Tell them what you've been up to with Jackie."

            This was it. Nola knew it. Taissa had discovered Shauna's twisted little displays of grief and was understandably not pleased with what she'd found. It was certainly jarring to observe the thick beads of pink and blue pigment cling to frozen skin.

          "Tai..." Nola gently called out from behind the girl. She could see the tears beginning to well up within Shauna's eyes despite the distance between them and she didn't like it. Seeing Shauna cry was never something Nola enjoyed seeing.

            She hoped that Taissa would look back at her, would recognise the plea to leave the topic alone, at least until they were alone but she didn't. Taissa never took her eyes off of Shauna, not once.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞 ✸ 𝐘𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now