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"You know, I've never heard you cuss one time in your life,"

I stared at the person who expelled those same exact words.

I couldn't move. All I could do was stare.

Was he talking to me? He couldn't be? Could he? But he is looking at you so that means he is.

Fuck, just say something Evelyn.

"What?" I mustered. 

Milo's face twisted into confusion, "I was talking to you, Evelyn."

What the actual hell? When did he know my name? How did he know my name, it's been like years since we've actually talked. I mean, I could remember he's name because he was a somebody in school while, in my case I was a nobody.

"I know, it's just why are you talking to me?"

He looked down before rubbing his brow in a frustrated manner, "Look, do you need help with that locker or no?"

What locker?

The one that you were trying to open, shit face.

Oh, that locker.

I placed my hands together awkwardly and stepped to the side, "Yeah, sure,"

Milo rolled his eyes and walked up to my locker. I honestly didn't know what to expect when Milo asked to help me with my locker. Or more better why he wanted to?

Before I could even register the last question, I heard a hard firm slap slamming against a locker.

I looked towards Milo to see him slapping my locker three times around the lock. He grabbed the locker handle ever-so swiftly, opening my locker.

"How the fuck did you do that?" I asked, astonished.

Milo shrugged, "It's not rocket science. Your locker was just jammed."

That makes better sense.

"Well, um, thank you," I replied making my way to my locker, grabbing my backpack and filling it with my folders hurriedly before shutting it once again.

I turned around to see a 6 '3 Milo standing behind me. Just standing there, looking at me.

I gave him one of my signature awkward nods and beelined my way to the school double doors. Hoping that no more awkward encounters wouldn't happen for the rest of the day. All I wanted was to go home, sleep, and watch Young Sheldon with my friends. Was that too much-

"Yo, Evelyn!" I heard the echoed voice of Milo on the side other side of the hallway.

-to ask for?

I turned around and squinted to see his far away figure cupping his mouth, "Yeah?"

"If you ever have problem with that locker, you know who to call," He yelled, making it more embarrassing.

I don't know what was weirder at the moment, me standing there instead of leaving the school or Milo volunteering to help me out. Either way both was very weird. 

"Um, good to know," I expressed, before walking out.


"Evelyn! How are you? Are you hungry? I made some Pozole," Arianna's mother; Ms. Cortez, starts bombarding me with questions.

I had just arrived at Arianna's house and this was the regular routine. Ms. Cortez would answer the door and ask me if I was hungry and I would say 'not at the moment, but thank you, Ms. Cortez'. Then I would try to make it up the stairs, trying not to get hit with a Nerf dart by Arianna's little brother; Marco.

"Not right now, Ms. Cortez, but it smells amazing," I replied, taking off my shoes.

It did smell good in here. Well, it always did. Arianna's house was a cozy area, mixed with the smell of spices, warm air, and the soft Spanish music playing.

Ms. Cortez frowned, "You need to eat though, mi amor, or you will starve yourself. Look at your arms,"

She grabbed my arm, trying to openly show how "skinny" I was. Although, Ms. Cortez can get annoying at times, she still looks out for me. Just like a second mom.

"No, Ms. Cortez, I'm okay, trust me." I voiced, lightly taking her hand off me.

She sighed and patted my back in defeat, "Okay, but you know the kitchen is always open,"

I nodded, and made my way up the stairs, still keeping my eyes on alert for Marco. Luckily, It turns out he was eating dinner so I made it to Arianna's door with no problems. 

Arianna had three younger siblings, her brother Marco who was six, her sister Julianna she was thirteen and lastly, Blanca, she was only a year old. 

I heard two people laughing before I knocked on the door eight times. We did this because Arianna's little siblings always knocked on her door a lot but they never could make it to eight knocks before getting distracted or tired.

"Come in," Arianna voiced through the door.

I entered and saw Kelly and Arianna sitting on her bed watching Young Sheldon on her t.v.

Those bitches.

"How could you two?" I screeched, throwing my duffel bag on the carpet floor.

Kelly raised her hands up as if she was caught doing a crime, "It wasn't my idea,"

My eyes landed on Arianna who let out a nervous chuckle.

"Oh yeah, you're in deep shit, Ari,"


After I was done choking Arianna, we continued watching the show but somehow my brain wasn't connecting with what was playing.

It was focused on a boy and no it wasn't Georgie, although he was pretty cute.

"Hey, guys. Can I tell you something?" I questioned, sitting up on the queen sized bed.

Kelly eyed me, "Yeah, what's up?" I heard Arianna pause the show and that was the moment where I told them everything that had happened at the lockers. 

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me that when you got in the car, Evie?" Kelly screeched.

I shrugged, "Didn't really wanna get you more mad than you already were and plus you were driving,"

"What does me driving have anything to do with that?"

I eyed Arianna, she give me a face telling me she understood what I meant.

Kelly has the tendency of not knowing how to take her emotions and mixing them with her driving. Sometimes she'll get angry with something and that'll make her hit a garbage can or even worse.

"Isn't it crazy that Evelyn is getting more drama than we all ever did in like ever?" Arianna finally crushed out the silence.

Kelly smirked, "It is crazy, I would be thinking I would have more going on in my life,"

I clutched my chest dramatically, "Are you guys saying that I'm boring?"

"Yes," they both worded. I gave them both my middle finger.

"You know, Evie, he could be just messing around with you, that's what boys his age do," Kelly said.

She was right, he could just be goofing around or pulling a prank on me. To see if I was gullible enough to get in my pants, like every other girl in school, but why doesn't it feel like it? I kind-of actually feel bad for him.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

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